
96 1 0

Dylan Cameron

"How long are you in town for?" Nadia asks cutting into her waffles

"I'll be here until Sunday. Have anything fun planned for us today?" I ask sipping my coffee

"Why? Don't like hanging out with your New York friends anymore?" Olivia fake pouts while rolling her eyes

"Explain to me again why we hangout with her still?" Jackson asks annoyed

"You don't like it? There's the door Jackie" Olivia says mocking him

"Anyways, why don't we go shopping and then we can have a movie night at my place" Addie suggests

"Beside the smart remarks, I am down with shopping and having a movie night. We have a lot to debrief" I say ignoring Olivia

"Aw got tired of hanging around the ex and his new fiancé?" Olivia asks almost in a condescending way

"I don't know. Do you ever get tired of being a little bitch?" I ask in a sarcastic way

"Oh if you wanna see a bitch, I can show you a bitch Dylan" she says smirking

"You have an uglier side than this one? Yikes! I think I'm good" I say brushing her off

"Okay, ignoring Olivia's bitchiness, who's ready to shop til we drop!"


"I definitely spent way too much today" Addie says laughing at the amount of bags around her arms

"Not that today hasn't been fun, truly. I have better things to do than stay stuck inside watching movies with you guys. Later!" Olivia tells over her shoulder before quickly heading out the front door

"Remind me why we hangout with her still?" I ask

Everyone shrugs before going to set our bags in a spare room in Addie's apartment. I then grab my pajamas from my bag before heading to the bathroom to change.

"Chinese or pizza for dinner?" Jackson asks through the door

"Definitely Chinese" I reply back

I throw my hair up in a ponytail and head back out towards the living room. Jackson is on the phone ordering food, Addie is cleaning up behind her dog Otis, and Nadia is sitting on the couch and scrolling on her phone.

"So what now?"


"So what happened after your party was over?" Nadia asks as the credits for the last movie are rolling

It was not 2am. Jackson and Addie had passed out over an hour ago and it was now just Nadia and I.

"Well, I was pretty drunk but after I changed into my pajamas, michael put on Percy Jackson and we ended up watching that the rest of the night" I tell her

"Did you guys end up sharing a bed?" She asks sitting up more interested

"Actually, he blew up an air mattress and slept beside me. So no, nothing happened just so you know. Other than Ayla leaving Gavin the next morning" I tell her

"Shut up! Why?" She asks way more invested

"Apparently, he wasn't being very truthful with everything that happened with us and I don't think she trusts that he's fully over me. Which I can't say I blame her" I say shrugging

"Have you talked to her?" She asks

"No but I don't think it's a good idea. I don't wanna upset her more than what she already is"

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