.033 - NEW

184 3 1

Dylan Cameron

"Going somewhere?" Aspen asks standing in the doorway

I spent the day trying to figure out what Michael had planned for us. Of course, he refused to tell me anything except to dress cute but comfortable. I decided to just go with the flow and I would eventually figure out what we were doing once he got here.

"I am but I'm not exactly sure where" I tell her slightly confused

"Is this a date?" She ask jumping up on my bed

"I don't know" I sigh as I finish my makeup

It remains silent as I finish getting the rest of my outfit together. I grabbed the shoes I would be wearing tonight before making sure to grab a light jacket just incase I had gotten cold.

"You know for this to possibly be a date, you sure aren't dressed like it is" Aspen says standing up and looking over my outfit

"I was told to dress cute but comfortable and that's exactly what I did" I tell her

She chuckles at my response before heading back into the living room. I release a deep sigh before following behind her. Not even a minute after, there is a knock at the door. Aspen beats me to the door, quickly opening it to reveal Michael wearing a pair of jeans, a hoodie, and a flannel.

"Wanna tell me where you're taking my best friend?" Aspen asks with her arms crossed

"Like I told Dylan, she will just have to wait and see. You ready to go?"


"So this is my surprise" I say in aw as we lay back

When we had pulled up in the parking lot, I still couldn't tell where we were. That was until we finally made it inside. Michael had planned a day at the planetarium. It wasn't a place I had thought about before but I was glad he thought of it.

"I thought you might appreciate it. I know how much you like art museums so this place came to mind" he says

We both were laying down, watching the projections as they go by. This definitely had beaten any art museums I had been to. It was definitely better.

"You definitely made the right choice" I say smiling

It goes back silent as the projections continue, getting more and more colorful by the second. It was definitely a sight for sore eyes.

"So, about my birthday" I start

"Yes" he says with an alarmingly wide smile

"I know Aspen booked you a ticket to come meet us" I say looking at him

He turns to look at me, my guess trying to read my reaction to knowing their little plan that they made behind my back.

"Im glad you're coming" I say turning back to the show going on

He smiles at me before turning away to enjoy the rest of the show. Twenty minutes later, the show ended and we were onto the next thing.

Happier Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang