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Dylan Cameron

I look at Aspen confused now more than ever. When did she leave and why did she come to such a big decision.

"What do you mean she left?" I ask sitting up

"She left. She packed her bags and left" she says
Me still being confused, I throw the covers off and start heading downstairs to find out more of what happened.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask as soon as I step into the living room

"Ayla left" chris says looking over at me

"Why? I thought everything was better after the other night" I say confused

"No my dear. It indeed got worse" Sean tells me sighing

"Do you guys know what happen?" Aspen asks coming down the stairs with Michael

"Yeah can someone elaborate?" I ask taking a seat on the couch

"Well" Isabel starts before trailing off

I roll my eyes at her stalling before looking at the rest of the group. Everyone hesitates, not wanting to really talk about how this all started.

"The other night when it was just us and Michael at the club, Gavin started acting a bit weird and thats why they started arguing. Ayla asked about you and Michael, then one thing led to another and what happened between you and Gavin was brought up" David explains softly

"Okay? Why does that matter? Im pretty sure Gavin told her about it when they started getting serious" I say even more confused now than before

"Thats the thing Dyl. He never told her about that and she got upset about it" Lola sighs

"I can understand why she got upset but why would she leave? I thought they talked it through. That makes no sense" I tell them

"We know but he got up and couldn't fine her. He came and asked me but then he saw all her stuff was gone" chris says shrugging

"Where is he now?" Aspen asks

"He stormed out and took one of the cars with him" Isabel says

It falls silent as everybody is taking in what's happening. I for one, really didn't know what to make of this situation. I hated that this was happening to Gavin but no-one really knows what to do to help the situation.

Suddenly, the door slams open and back shut. Gavin marches through the living room and towards his room. He slams that door, making everyone cringe at the loud noise.

"I should go talk to him" chris sighs

"Let me talk to him" I tell him

"I don't think thats a good idea" aspen says trying to stop me

"Actually, I don't think it's a bad idea. I think since you guys talk and decided to be friends, he might appreciate it" Sean says shrugging

Aspen lets me go reluctantly. I then make my way to Gavins room. I knock before entering and Gavin is sitting at the edge of his bed, sitting quietly. Silence continues to fill the room before I finally take a seat next to him.

"Im probably the last person you wanna talk with this about but im here" I say jokingly to lighten up the mood

"You know what we should talk about? How much of an idiot I am" he says laughing

His laughing continues and doesn't stop. He's full on laughing. I continue to watch him as my concern for him grows. I was now worried more than ever about him now.

"Maybe you should lay down. I can bring you some tea" I suggest before he cuts me off

"No seriously. I have to be the biggest idiot" he continues

"Should I get Chris?" I ask

"I mean, come on. First I have you. What we had was amazing and I always thought we would be together or even be married and then I go and mess that one up. Then, here's Ayla. She's great and we get along great but of course, here I go messing up once again" he rambles on

I stay quiet, letting him continue with his rant. Part of me wanted to let him get it out but then the other part wants to hear this. Wants to hear that he misses me and that he hates that he messed up.

"Why did you never tell her what happened with us? I know it must have been brought up before" I ask softly

"Because thats between us. I know how bad that hurt you and you never deserved to go through that. No matter who it is, that stays between us. Thats no one else's business. And I know its long overdue but im gonna say it anyways, Dylan. Im so, so sorry for how everything went and im sorry for not being there for you the way I should have been. That wasn't right and ill never forgive myself for that" he says grabbing my hand

"I appreciate the apology and you're right. What happened is between us and us only but you're not the only one in the wrong, Gav. I didn't exactly help by pushing you away and taking my frustrations out on you. Im sorry too" I say squeezing his hand

He brings me into a tight hug, surprising me by the sudden action. I wrap my arms around him slowly, matching his actions but not with such haste.

"The other reason I never told her is because I wasn't sure if I could trust her with something that big. We may not have been on the best terms but I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I was the reason that secret got out" he says squeezing me tightly

I choke up at his words. This was the first time we had talked since the miscarriage. Any other time we tried it would always end up in an unsolved argument or someone walking away. I was grateful we got the chance to talk about it now.

"Im sorry I wasn't there for you and im sorry I lost our baby"

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