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Dylan Cameron

Sleep. Something that refused to find me. I had been up the last few hours hoping to get some shut eye but I could not for the life of me. Aspen had knocked out in her bed a few hours ago and I couldn't be more jealous. I huff, throwing the blanket off my body and swinging my legs over to the edge of the bed. I make my way downstairs only to be met with Sean and Gavin sitting at the table with bowls of ice cream.

"Couldn't sleep either?" Sean asks sliding over a spoon

"No and its been hours since I laid down for the night" I groan

"And you think ice cream will help?" Gavin muses

"Gotta try something" I shrug

We continue to sit together, nothing but the sounds of spoons hitting against the bowls as we continue eating.

"I think im gonna go try and get some sleep. Ill see you guys in the morning" Seans says yawning

"Goodnight" I say before he heads into his room

I continue to lean on the counter as both me and Gavin share the bucket of ice Cream infant of us.

"I hope it's okay that we are here" he says breaking the silence

"Its fine" I say going quiet again

"You know I still love you, right?" He says

I look up at him silently. i wasn't exactly sure what to say to that. What exactly was I supposed to say? I mean he's engaged. He left me and now he's getting married to someone else.

"I do. I hope we can truly be friends after everything because I miss you. I miss my best friend and I don't know what to do without you in my life" he says squeezing my hand

"Maybe we can be friends again. I'd like to be able to hangout like we all used to but I need time. i need time to heal before I'm able to go back like how we used to be" I tell him honestly

"Thats better than arguing and hating each other. Take all the time you need Dylan" he says smiling

"Im gonna go to bed. Goodnight Gavin" I say putting my spoon in the sink

"Goodnight Dyl"



"I had no idea you were that good" David says as we all pile into the house

We all had gotten up a little early this morning and decided to go out and hit the slopes. The day had gone great and everybody was now freezing.

"All thanks to my dad. He made sure I knew how to ski at a very young age" I shrug

"I still can't believe Sean licked a pole and got his tongue stuck" Lola laughs

"Is it really that hard to believe?"aspen jokes

"Now, what are we doing the rest of the day?" Rain asks sitting on the couch

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