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Dylan Cameron

"Is she okay?" I hear rain asks

After the girls brought me home, I went straight into my room. I knew this would eventually happen. I knew the consequences of pushing Gavin away and I still did it. There wasn't much I could do about it now. Instead of moping over it, I decided to just let it be. I knew whatever happened going forward would be for a reason.

"I'm fine you guys. And I'm not just saying that" I say closing my balcony doors

I had gotten up extra early and watched the sunrise. It was nice and peaceful.

"Are you sure?" Aspen asks looking at me suspiciously

"Yes. Anyone up for breakfast?" I ask

"Did you say breakfast?" I hear from the living room

I give Aspen a look before heading out towards the living room. Not only were the girls here but so were Chris, Sean, and David.

"Did all of you guys stay over last night?" I chuckle

"Maybe but what's this about breakfast?" Sean asks excitedly

"I was thinking chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and eggs?" I ask

Everyone all but agrees before I am pushed into the kitchen to start cooking. I wash my hands before making the batter then throwing the bacon on. I decided on making the eggs for last considering they take less time than the pancakes and bacon.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you're cooking" Sean says taking a seat at the counter while watching me

"Really? I couldn't tell" I say jokingly

"So, what are the plans for today?" David asks as everyone files in behind him

I look up to see them all looking at me with expectant looks on their faces.

"Wait, I'm planning the day?" I ask surprised

"Well duh. That's how it usually goes" Lola says taking a piece of bacon

"I will have to think about it and let you guys know" I say before smacking her hand

She pouts as it drops from her hand. I smile triumphantly before finishing the last of the pancakes. I then put the eggs on before putting out extra plates for everyone else.

"You guys know the drill. Sean and David, pass out the plates and Chris, grab the orange juice and apple juice from the refrigerator please" I tell them

They do as I say as I am finishing up the eggs. Sean helps me bring all the food over to the table so we could all sit and eat.

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