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Dylan Cameron

3 days later

"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Aspen asks unsure about letting me leave

"Yes. I'll only be a few hours away by plane and I'll be with my dad. Don't worry so much" I chuckle zipping up my suitcase

"I know I shouldn't but I still worry Dylan. Especially since your birthday trip didn't exactly end on a good note" she trails on

"At least I'm on good terms with everyone. Especially Gavin. I haven't really spent much time with my dad and I miss him. I'll be back in a week" I reassure her

"Fine. I'll keep you in the loop if anything happens while you're away"


"So what have I missed?" I ask my dad as I take the front seat

"Not much. I opened a few more restaurants on the west side, I've been baking more, and your mom called" he says almost whispering the last part

"Mom?" I ask in disbelief

"Yeah. She called wanting to speak with you. I didn't think it would be a good idea to tell you about it on your birthday so I decided to wait until you came to visit" he says softly

"What does she want?" I ask not beating around the bush

"She wants to speak with you. That's all she said" he says hitting the button for the garage

"Well, she should of thought about that eleven years ago" I say grabbing my bag and slamming the door behind me

"Dylan Cameron. I know you're upset right now but do not slam my door again!" He yells behind me

I huff, nodding my head and going upstairs to my old room. I lock my door before falling into my bed. I stare up at my ceiling, letting old memories flood through my mind. My mom was always cold and distant while I was growing up. She was there but she was never present. Anytime I'd try and get her attention, I was always turned away or dismissed. One day when I saw thirteen, I had just made the middle school cheer team. I was so excited to come home and tell her but she wasn't here. Most of her stuff was gone and by the time my dad got home, it was clear she had left us. That she left me.

"Dylan, I'm gonna go pick up dinner. You wanna go with?" My dad asks knocking on my door

I sigh, getting up to open my door.

"No thank you and I'm sorry about the door slam. That wasn't fair. You're not the one I'm upset with" I tell him crossing my arms

"I know but you can't just not face it. If you don't wanna talk to her, just tell her that and if you do then that's fine. I support whatever you decide to do"


Gavin Casalegno

I take a deep breath before opening my door. I had decided instead of sulking anymore, I would go head to head with the problem. I was now standing in front of Ayla's door. I was nervous for this conversation and I was hoping it wouldn't end in disaster like last time.I knock on the door, waiting for her to open the door.

"What Gavin?" She asks swinging the door open

"We need to finish our conversation" I day

"Why do we need to finish it? We both know you're in love with Dylan but you're using me as a reason not go after her because what? It didn't work out last time and you both basically had given up?" She says scoffing

"I'm not in love with her. Don't get me wrong I'll always have love for her but I wanna be with you" I tell her

"You might say that but we both know it's not true. You weren't even honest with me about what happened with you guys. You know why? Because you're still not over it and in your mind, you think you can use me to get over it? You know, you made me think it was mostly her but it was you too. I was so rude to her and for what? Just because I felt threatened over something you're doing? Well not anymore. We are done Gavin. The engagement is off"

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