Incorrect Quotes Part 5

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Kol *walks in covered in blood*: Honey I'm Home
Elena *eyes wide in shock*
Julia *not phased at all*: how was the lads night out?

Julia *walking into the Mikaelson Mansion*: I officially identify as a fucking problem! Your fucking problem, but a problem nonetheless.

Sage: I'm the smartest, wisest person in this group. your hand stuck in a vending machine?
Sage: I paid for my Mars Bar, I'm getting my Mars Bar.

Rebekah: The studies show that you are the most amazing person in the world.
Julia: Source?
Rebekah: Me.

Alaric: How do Julia and Jeremy usually get out of these messes?
Jenna: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.

Matt: If we put Julia and Elena in a room together, who would come out crying first?
Jeremy: The room.

Klaus: How petty can you get?
Caroline: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.

*Three Thirty in the morning*
Rebekah: If we don't get to sleep soon, we'll hate ourselves in the morning.
Julia: Jokes on you, I already hate myself.
Rebekah:...okay, we'll be discussing that in the morning, but please get to sleep.

Damon: I trust Julia.
Andie *watching Julia make toast with a lighter and can of hairspray*: You think our daughter knows what she's doing?
Damon: I wouldn't go that far.

Julia: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Kol: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Julia: Absolutely not.

Rebekah: Is that a hickey?
Julia: No, it's a mosquito bite.
Kol *walks in*: Hey guys.
Rebekah: Hey, mosquito.

Julia: I just ended a four year relationship.
Damon: Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
Julia: Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. It wasn't my relationship.
*Elena and Stefan fighting from across the room*

Julia: I'm too short to kiss my boyfriend on the lips, what should I do?
Rebekah: Kick him in the stomach, and then when he doubles over, kiss him!
Caroline: Trip him.
Bonnie: Dump him.

Rebekah: Why isn't the statue smirking at me?
Elijah: It isn't smirking at anyone, they're all just imagining it.
Rebekah: Three of us saw it, Elijah. How do you explain that?
Elijah: *points at Julia* Sleep deprivation. *points at Klaus* Paranoia. *points at Finn* Delusional personality disorder.

Rebekah *to Julia*: Would you do me the honor if becoming my sister- in-law?
Kol: Wait a minute. Did you just propose to Julia for me?
Rebekah: Someone had to.

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