Chapter 24

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Sheriff Forbes is at the hospital desk when Damon and Julia walk over to her. "Liz, I came as soon as I got the message. Is she okay?" "She's in surgery, it's...they're doing everything they can. I need your help Damon." "Sure, anything Liz." "Mayor Lockwood is dead. They thought he was a vampire. They put him in the basement." "Mayor Lockwood was a vampire?" "No, no. A mistake was made, they said he dropped like the others when John's device went off but he...he couldn't have been a vampire, I've known the man my whole life and now Carol Lockwood is gonna want answers and all I can think of right now is Caroline and..." She begins to cry. "It's okay. It's okay." Damon hugs Liz as she weeps. Julia joins them hugging Liz round her waist. Damon and Julia walk over to Bonnie and Elena. Bonnie smiles at the small girl. Julia smiles back thankful that she's getting one of her friends back. "Is there something that you can do? Like a spell or something?" Elena asks Bonnie. "She doesn't know how, do you?" Damon says "No, I don't." "No, you don't because it took Emily years to learn a spell like that." "Well, I can take down a vampire, that spell was easy to learn." "I can give Caroline some blood." "No, no way." Elena says "No, just enough to heal her. She will be safe in the hospital and it will be out of her system in a day, she will be better Elena." "It's too risky, I can't agree to that." "Do it." Bonnie sees Elena's expression "This is Caroline. We can't let her die. Do it." "If I do this, you and me, call a truce?" "No. But you'll do it anyway. For Elena." "Um dad I don't feel anything happening to Caroline so she's going to be fine. I've worked out how to hone it." Julia pipes up from next to Damon. "What do you mean?" Bonnie asks. "Uh. I-I'm a banshee and I can sense when people are going to die. I've only discovered it recently but I've worked out how to hone in on people. I'm just struggling with the rest of my powers." Julia explains. "We'll I'll have a look through my Grimore and see if I can find anything to help you." Bonnie says. "Thank You Bonbon." "It's alright Lia I'll see you later."

Bonnie leaves making Elena and Damon look at each other. "I know this is probably the last thing you want to do right now but we should talk about what happened tonight." Damon starts. "Yeah, one of the tomb vampires got into the house and almost killed John." "What? When? What are you talking about? After I left?" "You were there?" "Come on, Elena, you know I was." "When were you at the house?" "Really? Earlier, on the porch, we were talking, all cathartic, feelings exposed. Come on, we kissed, Elena." "Okay, I don't have time for this Damon." "If you want to forget what happened fine but I can't." Jenna arrives making Damon move away. Jenna glares at him, but he listens in. "Elena, I came as soon as I got your message. How is John?" Jenna asks. "Where have you been?" "At the fire department, I had to fill out a report. I told you earlier." "No, you didn't." "Yes, I did." "No, Jenna, you didn't." "Yes, I did." Julia taps Damon and gives him a silent question. They both suddenly realize that Katherine was the one he kissed, not Elena. "Oh!" Jenna and Elena look at them with confusion. "Mmm, you got to be kidding me." Damon realizes that he has said that out loud. He looks at both Jenna and Elena and walks away holding Julia's hand.

Elena, Damon and Julia enter the Gilbert House to see that Stefan is on the floor but stands up immediately. "Stefan?" "Elena." "What happened?" "Katherine happened." Damon tells her. Julia, Damon and Stefan are in the kitchen. Julia looks a little out of it as if she's trying to see something. "Did she say what she wanted?" "No." "Woman certainly knows how to make an entrance." "She said she fooled one of us, at least. What does that mean?" "She pretended to be Elena too when I showed up earlier tonight." Elena enters the room and Stefan walks towards her. "I told Jeremy, I can't lie to him anymore." "Are you alright?" "No, I'm not alright. I thought that with all the tomb vampires gone things would get better." "I know. We all did." "Katherine was in this house, that means she's been invited in, what are we gonna do?" "Move." Damon tells her. "Very helpful, thank you." Elena sits down. "Katherine wants you dead; there's zero you can do about it; you would be dead but you're not. So clearly she has other plans." Damon starts. "Right and we need to find out what those other plans are and not provoke her in the process. What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?" "To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead. We...kissed." "And you thought it was me?" "What do you mean you kissed?" "Well, you know, when two lips pucker and they go." He puckers his lips and makes kissing noises. Stefan rushes at him with his super speed but Damon uses his super speed as well and stands next to Elena. "Don't be obvious, Stefan." Stefan starts towards Damon again but Elena gets up and puts her hand in front of Stefan. "Stefan wait, he kissed Katherine, not me. I wouldn't do that. We don't have time for this guys." "Later." "John must know something. There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him." "She's Katherine. She loves to play games and you're fooling yourself if you think you're going to find out what she's been up to before she wants you to know." "No, actually Elena's right, John could know something through Isobel. Your mother, she was in touch with Katherine so maybe we can go to the hospital and get him to talk." Stefan tells him Brother. "I've got a better idea." "What's that?" Elena asks him. "I'm just gonna ignore the bitch. See you." "Is that smart?" "If Katherine thinks she's been ignored it will lure her out, she'll make a move." "Yeah? And then what?" "Stake her, rip her head off, something poetic. We'll see." Julia suddenly falls forward onto the floor. "Woah Little One. Are you okay?" he asks her see she's pale and has a bloody nose. "Yeah I'm fine. I tried to hone in on Katherine but I couldn't do it." she tells him breathlessly. "It's alright your still learning. You can't be expected to do it straight away."

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