Pregnancy (Metkayina duo x omatikaya duo)

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Ao'nung is pregnant with Neteyam's child and during that, Neteyam does anything to help out and take care of Ao'nung as Ao'nung's bump gets bigger.

Tsireya is also pregnant with lo'ak's kid, lo'ak is very caring towards her and doesn't let Tsireya lift a hand, as he does all the work.
When Ao'nung and Tsireya excitedly went to their partners Marui and told the brothers about their pregnancies, Lo'ak and Neteyam's emotions were running around. Their mates were pregnant! They were so happy to start a family with the Metkayina siblings. They had told their family and as a celebration, both families threw a party to congratulate the Eyktan and Tsakarem.

From there on, the 2 brothers swore to protect their mates with keep their own growing family from danger.
Present time:
The sun rays hit Neteyam's face. He groaned as he turned to his side..only to find it..empty? The absence of his mate immediately alerted him. His eyes snapped open.

"Ao'nung?!" Neteyam called out but got no response. "NUNG?!" Neteyam called out louder just in case Ao'nung didn't hear. But still, he got no response. He growled lowly to himself in worry as he quickly got up from his sleeping mat.

Ao'nung is normally still in the Marui by the time Neteyam wakes for Ao'nung to get up without alerting Neteyam kinda worried him a lot.

Neteyam rubbed the drowsiness from his eyes and he ran out the Marui. He frantically looked around the area by their Marui to see if Ao'nung would show up. "AO'NUNG?!" Neteyam called out once again. As he was continuing to look, he bumped into someone. About to apologize and kinda hoping it was his mate, he looked up to see his brother rubbing his head.

"Lo'ak?! What happened?" Neteyam asked. "Also sorry.." Neteyam gave a half smile in advance. Lo'ak waved him off. "It's fine bro...but have you seen Tsireya? She wasn't in the Marui this morning.." Lo'ak asked his brother in hope for an answer. Neteyam shook his head no as he asked, "have you seen Ao'nung then? He's never out the Marui this early..I'm getting worried.." Lo'ak shook his head no. They looked at each other in realization. Neteyam stilled with eyes widen. "So...if you don't know where Reya is and I don't know where Ao is...where are they?" Lo'ak asked in a rushed voice.

Neteyam took some breaths to calm down. He placed a hand on his brothers shoulder as he looked at Lo'ak. "We have to find them..I don't want anything to happen to them or our kids.." Lo'ak nodded as they began their search for their mates.

Minutes passed as the brothers were still looking for their mates. They went to the Tsahìk and Olo'eyktan...but even they didn't know where their kids were. They thanked them quickly before running out in a hurry. But, thankfully, they FINALLY found their mates. They were sitting at a faraway shore from the village, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Both brothers let out a sigh of relief as they walked over with a smile plastered on their faces.

The siblings turned around as they heard familiar footsteps. As they saw their dark blue mates, they couldn't help as a big smile graced their lips. Their dimples showed as their smiles got wider.

"Good morning forest boys!" Ao'nung greeted with an 'I see you' gesture, Tsireya doing the same. Lo'ak rolled his eyes playfully as Neteyam laughed. Though, they greeted both Metkayina siblings back. Neteyam walked and sat behind Ao'nung as he wrapped his arms around Ao'nung, carefully as to not hurt his belly and placed his chin on Ao'nung's shoulder. Lo'ak though, sat beside Tsireya and Tsireya leaned her head onto Lo'ak's shoulder as he placed a hand on the side of her stomach.

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