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Before i start i just want everyone to get to know a little about me real quick my name is fatima mariah nicole wilson, I'm 25 years old i'm a Model/photographer i know your probably wondering why did i choose this career part or how did i end up here, Or maybe not but i'll still tell you 

When i was a kid i always wanted in be in front of the camera or behind it one minute i wanted the spotlight the next i like putting it on others, I always wanted to do a lot but this is just the one i stuck with i bet you didn't know i have a bachelor degree in law well of course you didn't your now getting to know me anyways i never farther it at the moment it was really something i waned to do and my parents also want me to do it because my mom is a judge and my dad was a lawyer they wanted my sibling and i to follow after their foot steps but let me be clear they never forced us they also wanted us to do what we loved to do which we did 

I have two brothers and one sister my sister Karia is 24, My two brothers Travis 28 and Dawson 22 They all do their own thing, What i mean by that is career wise karia is studying to be a nurse and Travis is a engineer Dawson on the other hand owns a club, We are all very close dawson and travis are very over protective to both my sister and i, Let me let you in on a little secret Travis is my half brother his mother passed away when he was only two so my dad raised him as a single parent until he meet my mom, My mom raised him like it was her own son nobody knows that 

Okay enough about my family i think i pretty much told you everything there is to know about them so let's get back to me 

I live with my boyfriend hakim well he lives with me, We meet when i was in collage i wouldn't say our relationship is the best because we do fight we've been together for five years i try not to think about the bad times even though we have a lot there were cheating not on my side but his, He has apologize and we have been working things out i know you guy's probably saying i'm stupid just like my bestfriend andi she never fails to tell me that i'm dumb for staying with him and that i should leave him, Anyways you would get to know a little about her just now but i do love hakim and he loves me all relationships ain't perfect if i didn't mention something  there is a lot of things you will find out about me later on 

Kimberly Wilson:  Age 49

Kimberly Wilson:  Age 49

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Dean Wilson: Age 52

Travis Wilson: Age 28

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Travis Wilson: Age 28

Travis Wilson: Age 28

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Me: Age 25

Dawson Wilson: Age 22

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Dawson Wilson: Age 22

Dawson Wilson: Age 22

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Karia Wilson: Age 24

Hakim Johnson: Age 25 (Fatima's boyfriend)

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Hakim Johnson: Age 25 (Fatima's boyfriend)

Hakim Johnson: Age 25 (Fatima's boyfriend)

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Any new cast will be introduce while the story goes on enjoy 

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