CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater: Dean Winchester Imagine

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This wasn't a request but I rly wanted to do it so here we go!
You wiped the tears from your face as you made your way down the MOL bunker staircase. Dean was whistling a peppy tune and opening a beer. You tried to pull your hair over your face to cover the tears but it was no use.
Dean caught sight of you and his eyes widened in concern,"You okay, kiddo?" He asked. At only 28, you were the youngest person in the bunker, therefore were referred to as "kiddo". You sniffed," Yea, it's just David."
You and your boyfriend David had been having issues lately. He was lying, not coming home some nights, and he had even hit you a little bit. But, when you walked into his apartment (using the key he gave you) you were shocked to find that he was in bed with another girl, none other than your best friend.
Dean set his beer down,"Come on. No you're not."
You tried to hold back tears. Finally you shook your head and broke down,"No I'm not." You said, sobbing into your hands.
Dean pulled you close, one hand on your back and the other on the back of your neck. You hugged him tight, almost afraid to let go. He picked you up and carried you to the couch. He held you closer, rubbing your arm soothingly," Kiddo, tell me what's wrong." He cooed.
You explained what happened. Dean's green eyes filled with rage. He stood up suddenly, making you flinch," He's one dead bastard. I'll cut his balls off and feed them to his fucking mother." He said.
Then he noticed you cowering into the couch. His eyes widened in horror,"Did he beat you?"
You nodded,"Twice."
Dean pulled you off the couch and into his arms. You ran your fingers over the soft fabric of his shirt, inhaling his scent.
He whispered in your ear with a soothing voice as you sobbed,"'s okay. He wasn't worth it, sweetheart. You deserve much better. You still have me and Sam and we will never hurt you, okay?" You managed to calm down, but tears still slipped from your eye,"Come on, kiddo. Let's go grab some dinner. When we get home we can watch a movie."
You smiled sadly and nodded,"Okay, Dean."
He hugged you one last time and kissed the top of your head,"Love you, kiddo."
Okay I swear I'm working on the requests and stuff, I promise you 😇😇

One Shots and Headcanons with A Side Of Feels #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now