How The Avengers Sleep: Marvel's The Avengers

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Thor: Sleeps wherever and naked. This has caused a few problems. BONUS: Thor has discovered Natasha's curlers and now sleeps with them in because he is fascinated by what they do. According to Thor, Asgard doesn't have them.

Steve: On his back or side, as straight as he can, barely moving. This is a habit left over from camps and barracks, squashed in with other soldiers and from before, the cold bitter New York winters from when he was a kid. The cold was dagerous for him, screwed with his lungs, so every night, Bucky would come and sqeeze into his narrow bed to keep him warm. He was like a furnace. Steve's elbows and knees were as sharp as knives so he made sure to keep extra still so his friend would be comfortable. Bucky's warmth probably saved his life. BONUS: He has woken up to Agent Coulson asleep in a chair by the door. He is flattered and has not let Couslon know that he has seen this.

Natasha: Fetal postion. Natasha curls up like a cat, curved limbs and tousled hair, one hand by her face. She looks innocent, almost at peace. This is because her other hand is wrapped around the gun under her pillow. BONUS: Natasha has fallen asleep in Clint's arms, but the rest of the team refuses to mention it.

Tony: Sleeps spread eagle, mouth open, limbs splayed, wherever he collapses. He goes days and days without sleep; he is the wraith in Avengers tower, making coffee and scrambled eggs at 4am and disappearing back to his lab. Steve's not much for sleep either and he's the only one besides Pepper who can gain access to Tony's workshop, so he often goes downstairs to find Tony passed out on the floor with a wrench clutched in his fist and oil in his hair. If Tony ever wonders why he falls asleep on the workshop floor and wakes up in his bed, shoes removed, he never mentioned it to Steve. BONUS: People have been known to use Tony and his Arc Reactor as a nightlight. These people include Couslon, Bruce and Clint in some circumstances

Bruce: Sleeps more than any of them. It's maybe a metabolism thing. Hulking out uses up a lot of energy so whenever he shrinks back to regular Bruce-size, he eats enough for three and sleeps for at least 16 hours. He sleeps in a fetal position, like Natasha, but tighter, knees tucked up almost to his chest, his whole body a clenched fist. It almost looks painful. He frowns and mutters to himself, and sometimes cries out. There is an unspoken agreement amongst the rest of the team that they won't mention it. BONUS: Tony has found out that The Hulk's mind is like a child's. After a long battle, Tony reads children stories to him. Bruce wakes up less tired now.

Clint: Sleeps with his eyes open. Sitting up. On the couch or on top of the fridge or the stairs. Basically wherever affords best to scare Tony shitless at 3 in the morning. BONUS: Tony, once calm, does find this quite hilarious, and has tried to recreate it to scare Clint, but with no avail.

Property of Tumblr User: theumbrellaseller

I added the bonuses from headcannons and some of these I made myself.

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