4. Buzzed

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Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy Shelby out now!

"Here she is." Oberyn declared. 

Tyrion had gotten Tyanna to come back to the castle and put a tall drink in her hand and kept it full. She was happily buzzed by the time Oberyn returned with a baby. 

"The paramours babe." Tyanna whisper shouted clinking her glass with Tyrion's. 

"Do you like children Tyanna?" Oberyn pondered. 

"Gods children? Plural? You have more than the one?" Tyanna grumbled finishing her glass, Tyrion poured another glass full spilling on the table as she waved her hand around. 

"I have many children, all girls."

"Lucky you." Tyanna chuckled out. "We are a handful, I would know."

"I have 8 children, all girls." Oberyn remarked. 

"8, 8... fucking hell." Tyanna murmured. "All from the same paramour?" 

"No." Oberyn corrected. "She is mother for four of them though." he offered. 

"Great and I should be worried about another paramour or two wandering around seducing my husband to be?" Tyanna offered. 

"No, she is my paramour. My only Paramour." Oberyn remarked. 

"At the present." Tyanna agreed. 

"Whats that?" 

"Paramour means lover, you have had other paramours, but if you want to get really technical, paramour means illicit affairs, a lover when already married to someone else. Are you already married?" Tyanna mused. 

"No." Oberyn offered confused. 

"Therefore, although Paramour sounds so fancy and bullshitty she is just a lover, until we are wed and your little love affair continues that is. Then she can actually be your paramour." Tyanna remarked calmly as she got up sudden sober. "Makes a cute kid though." 

"You are smart." Oberyn realized. "I didnt not think you would be." he admitted. 

"Dont judge my blonde hair and great tits, I got a brain in here." Tyanna agreed. "And this is me with how many fucking glasses of wine in me?" She mused sparing a glance at Tyrion. 

"Many." Tyrion offered. 

"Many." Tyanna agreed. "Whats the little nuggets name?"

"Talya." Oberyn offered. 

"Talya, thats pretty."

"Ellaria thought you might like it." Oberyn agreed. 

"Oh, she picked the name with me in mind?" Tyanna mused. 

"She did." Oberyn agreed. "I dont approve but she is similar to you, she does as she pleases," Tyanna smirked. 

"Maybe I turn her into my paramour." Tyanna mused as Tayla started to fuss in Oberyns arms. "You are a father for 8 girls and you can get her settled without a wet nurse?" Tyanna pondered. 

"I can." Oberyn corrected lifting her up and smelling her bottom but no, she was clean. He rocked her and bounced her awkwardly and Tyanna tsked. 

"Give me the baby." Tyanna took her from Oberyn quickly and cradled her in the crook of her arm. She moved to the wine and dipped her finger in. Then popped her finger in Taylas mouth and she sucked away. Oberyn laughed out. "I know what babies want." 

"Wine?" Oberyn was still laughing. 

"Helps soothe them after childbirth." Tyanna agreed. "See, little Talya is already back to sleep." 

"That was good, I like that." Oberyn agreed. Tyanna stared down at Talya and Oberyn hesitated before taking a step forward. "I think we got off on the wrong foot." Oberyn admitted. 

"You think? Wow, and here I thought you didnt have a brain." Tyanna agreed. 

"I am sorry, please forgive me." Oberyn requested bowing before her. 

"You were with her for the pregnancy?" Tyanna whispered. 

"Of course." Oberyn agreed. 

"Most men wouldnt be." Tyanna offered. "That's really... sweet of you. I'm sure she was happy to have you there." 

"Is this a fresh start?" Oberyn offered. "New leaf?"

"Sure." Tyanna agreed. "Hi, I'm Tyanna Lannister and I'm stealing your baby." she stuck out her free hand and Oberyn shook it. 

"I'm Oberyn Martell and you can gladly have her, I have some spares." He mused smiling back at her. 

"Well this is going better than expected." Tyrion remarked happily. 

"Can I meet the mother? Talya's mother?"

Tyrion didnt know that, that was a good idea. But Tyanna didnt look venomous as she asked it. 

"I think Ellaria would like that." Oberyn agreed, he placed his hand on the small of her back leading her inside.  Tyrion and Jaime shared a look before following after their sister. 

"How did you know to do that with the wine?" Oberyn mused as the walked. 

"All the wetnurses do it at casterly rock." Tyanna remarked. 

"Getting babies drunk, no wonder your brother and you have such a high tolerance." Oberyn mused. 

"Your wine is weak." Tyrion corrected. 

"Yeah we got the good stuff at the Rock." Tyanna agreed. 

"We will have to play our drinking game." Tyrion suggested. 

"We will have to play our drinking game." Tyanna agreed. "I want to know all Oberyns secrets." 

"Dont blame me if you dont like what you find."

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