43. Beat You Bloody

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Tyanna needed to punch something, needed to beat something to a bloody pulp. She marched up to Bronn and said you are my punching bag, dont be a pussy about it. Bronn agreed not minding her hands on him until she sent a punch flying into his ribs and the breath was knocked from his lungs. 

"Padding." Bronn remarked. He came back with a new guard however in padding. "Punch away gorgeous." THe man looked skeptical but then Tyanna's fists went flying and he stumbled back. 

"Dont be a pussy about it!" Ellaria declared laughing out. 

"You trained her well." Oberyn remarked. Tyanna gave a little battle cry as she kicked the guards legs out from under him, he landed with a thud. 

"Give me a sword." Tyanna demanded. Bronn held out his. "No, Bronn I'm fighting against you."

"Fuck no." Bronn corrected. "You are terrifying." 

"Jaime!" Tyanna demanded. 

"he's not much of a fighter since he lost his hand." Bronn remarked wiggling fingers at her. 

"Yeah, thats why I think I can beat him and he get beat some sense into Cersei." Tyanna agreed. 

'We have been over this the matter is closed.'' Tywin demanded. 

''Well I am opening it.' Cersei said

'No.' Tywin answered 'you are to be married to Loras Tyrell, we are still betrothed to Loras Tyrell and you will marry Loras Tyrell as soon as Tommen married margaery.'

'Father!' cersei pleaded

'I already decided that. it is agreed upon.' Tywin told her.

'not by me! I will not.' Cersei shouted.

'Jaime cannot marry or inherit land, tyrion's sentence will be carried out tomorrow you have on several occasions made great claims about your commitment to this family's future your role in this future is more vital than it ever was.' Tywin reminded her.

"Tyanna, where did you learn to fight?" Jaime demanded as he ducked and dodged her blows.

"When did you stop knowing how to fight?" Tyanna countered. 

"FUcking hell," Jaime murmured as his sword went flying from his hand. 

"Ha!" Tyanna laughed out. "Bronn you are up." 

"I like being a spectator." Bronn corrected. 

"Oberyn?" Tyanna purred. Oberyn stepped forward. "Go easy on me I can only beat a one handed man." Jaime huffed a breath. 

"You dont need me to go easy on you." Oberyn corrected. 

"I have seen you fight lover." Tyanna purred. "Go easy on me."

'I will stay In Kings Landing with my son where I belong.' Cersei declared. 

''When you were nine years old I was called to the capital I decide to take your brother with me not you that you would not be left at Castlery rock under any circumstances if you recall.' Tywin began.

'I do not want to hear another one of your smug stories about the time you won.' Cersei told him 'this is not going to be one of those times.'

'Do you think you are the first person that will be pushed into a sept to be married against her will?' tywin questioned with a chuckle. "Tyanna was dragged down to Dorne by your brothers. She is happy now, in love."

'And furious at us." Cersei agreed. "You know when you burst into the throne room to tell me you won the battle of the black water, did you remember I was sitting on the iron throne with Tommen... I was about to give him an essence of nightshade that's how far I was willing to go so those awful men would not take my son away someone awful is coming to take him away.'' Cersei sneered.

''no.'' tywin told her sternly.

'Joffrey is dead.' Cersei went on 'Myrcella has been sold like livestock-"

 "Myrcella is with your sister, she is fine." Tywin cut in. 

"-and now you want to ship me off to high garden and separate me from my boy my last boy... Margaery will dig her claws into him and you will dig your claws into him until you rip him apart like a beast you are I will burn our house to the ground before I let that happen.' Cersei warned him.

'And I will give you that...'

'I will tell everyone the truth.' cersei told him, her last defense.

'And what truth with that be?' Tywin questioned ignorantly.

'you don't know do you? You never believed it how is that possible?' He waited silently 'of course it's possible how can someone so consumed by the idea of his family have any conception about what his family was doing... We were right there in front of you and you didn't see us once... look in the past 20 years you wouldn't even looked at your own children and you would've known.' Cersei told him softly.

'Know what?' tywin questioned.

'Everything they say is true about Jamie and me your legacy is a lie.'

'I don't believe you.' Tywin said

'Yes you do.' Cersei said simply.

"Well done, tell father your dirty little secrets before I can." Tyanna remarked. They turned to her. "You know how wonderful life would be if the innocent walked free and we put all this anger into actually finding the person that did it?" Tyanna questioned. 

"Tyanna, not now-" Tywin begged. 

"Cersei reveals that she has been fucking Jaime and birthed three of his children and thats all?" Tyanna countered. Tywin glared back at Cersei. 

"Tyanna!" Cersei demanded. 

"Hash that out while I talk to Tyrion, you need to assist me Clegane?" She questioned as she headed back out. 

"Leave to Tyanna to stir the damn pot." Cersei murmured. 

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