Hey, its been a while..

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Hi. I know, it's been - what? A few months? A year? Sorry about that, but I have to tell you all something.

I don't think I can continue this book.

I know I know I know! I kept saying I wanted to finish the story and all that, but I can not do that if I'm not happy with a book or if I'm not motivated to write it.

I'm debating on a lot of choices. I can either—

Leave this up and just not continue it

Rewrite nearly the whole story or fix up things I don't like anymore or isn't really necessary


Unpublish this whole story

I'm still thinking on it.

But keep in mind that even if I rewrite the story that doesn't mean I'm gonna continue it.

I haven't been a part of the MHA community and was only into the anime, but even now I'm not into the anime anymore. Things happen.

I like anime still, but not a die hard as I was in high school.

And even then I'm limited on animes that I use to like. So if I wrote a wattpad story on an anime it would be an anime I like.

I'm thinking on it cause I'm debating if I wanna unpublish so if I do, I want to say I'm so happy many of you enjoy the story and so many of you read it.

I mean - over 200,000 reads?! That's fucking crazy. Thank you.

But even then, that doesn't mean this is my proudest book nor my favorite. I wrote this for fun. Thinking at most this would get is 1,000. So 200,000 is insane!

So the numbers is what's causing me to have a harder time pressing the unpublish button. I'm thinking on rewriting it completely, cause so many cringy moments - keep in mind - I just finished middle school when I wrote this and was in high school, so very cringe stuff I don't like.

This story was a ship story (x reader) but I don't know if you could tell when reading it, it evolved from being a love story to now just being a storyline based story. (Because of the lack of Todoroki x reader moments)

Which is why I'm thinking of changing the title since I don't really write love stories anymore and I'm more into actual storyline based stuff.

It's called maturing i guess lol.

If you don't know, I now have a Co-writer. They barely started with me, the story on that is because they didn't have a place to publish their TOH story idea so I let them share my account to publish a story, that I helped with a little, since we both became fans of the owl house and decided on stories and oneshots of the show. But now they have AO3, but still they have their story here so they still write.

So anything TOH is most likely them, except for one story that's going to come out soon that we both wrote 50/50 and had ideas for.

But keep in mind, they only write the owl house stuff, nothing else.

All the other books that's on this account like - Todoroki - Harry Potter - anime - it's all me. The owl house is mostly my friend, and I helped only a little with it, so I just wanted to get that out the way.

Anyway, I'll update y'all. I have book ideas I want to write and publish but in order to do that, I had to unpublish some works that I don't even touch or look at anymore, so I can have room for stuff that I actually will become proud with.

I'm thinking on just rewriting this book, so that way it can still be up and be a little more tolerant to read cause... this book is honestly kinda cringe. Since I'm not very motivated on this book anymore it might be hard to do, but we'll see.

Thank you for reading <3

Y/N, My Hero Academia | Shoto Todoroki X Reader |  {rewriting in progress}Where stories live. Discover now