A Trip Of A LifeTime

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So, I am not joking when I say... this took two weeks to make! I'm so proud of the way this went, my word count right now is my biggest record!

24, 835 Words

The phone rings as everyone in the room all became very tense.

Todoroki biting his nails with Y/N doing the same as she's sitting on his lap.

Everyone tried their hardest to not say a word. The phone being on speaker.



"Shoto. Why are you calling?"

"I have some news. It's very important."

"What is it?"

"I uh... don't know how to tell you this without getting you angry but..... Y/N's pregnant."

Todoroki mutes the call incase anyone made a sound or laughed.

So what's happening right now is that everyone is having a huge slumber party at Momo's.

They decided on this due to the dance coming soon and also summer camp!

Right now they are all playing truth or dare, Todoroki picked dare.

He was dared to prank call his father and tell him that Y/N's pregnant.

And if he didn't except this dare his punishment would have to be being rude to Momo's parents the rest of the sleepover.

Todoroki didn't want to be rude at all to Momo's family so he accepted the dare.


Everyone nearly bursted out laughing but held it together in time for Todoroki to respond.

"Y/N's pregnant."


Everyone looked at each other in fear.

".... are you 100 on this, Shoto?"

"Yes I am."

"Shoto, you can't be serious! You are only 16!! You shouldn't be having a kid already!!"

"Dad it's not a big deal!" -Todoroki

"Not a big deal?! Shoto— you are having a kid— THATS THE BIGGEST DEAL IN A PERSONS LIFE! You are going to be a father at 16, how are you going to take care of yourself with a child and your girlfriend while also having school?!"

As Endeavor started ranting to Shoto on the phone Y/N whispered in Todoroki's ear asking if she can take the phone.

Todoroki gives Y/N the phone.

"Enji. It's me, Y/N."

"What is going on?! Shoto is telling me you are pregnant!"

"So I uh... haven't been feeling the greatest. I was throwing up a lot and having morning sickness. I took a test. It's positive. So... I guess that means you're a grandfather now!"

Y/N muted it as she laughed, Shoto hiding his face in her neck so he could laugh a little too.

Everyone else holding it in so they could control themselves.

"Y/N and Shoto! You cannot be serious about this!! You are 15 to 16 years of age and this will only hold you back from being heroes! You are too young to become parents!!"

"We can make it work." -Todoroki


"All of our friends insisted on helping and my adopted mother is willing to babysit!" -Y/N

Y/N, My Hero Academia | Shoto Todoroki X Reader |  {rewriting in progress}Where stories live. Discover now