Chapter 3

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Evelyn and I set up for the party, we are making it red carpet themed, so we put the red carpet down, put a random backdrop that we found on the internet on the wall and set up a camera so people can take photos pretending they are on the red carpet. Evelyn and I put on our fancy dresses and did our hair and makeup. Then people started arriving. Johnny came first, wearing a tuxedo, but he wasn't with Riley. 

"Hey Johnny! Nice to see you, but where's Riley?" I ask.

"We broke up, she was always making me feel insecure when I went out with friends and I got sick of it" he says.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that" I said, hugging him.

"Yeah thanks, it sucks, but it's better now that it's over" Johnny said, hugging me back.

Next to show up was Lucas, he was wearing a scruffy casual suit and necktie, he was trying so hard to dress up a bit, I obviously need to take him to a department store next time we need to be in formal attire. We took a quick selfie for my Instagram. 

"You look so good! I love the scruffy vibe you have going on, so vintage looking!" I say as I finish posting the picture.

"Thank you, my diamond, you look absolutely stunning in that dress" Lucas says as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Awww thank you" I say, kissing his cheek and then running off to greet the other guests.

"Hey girly, we are here" Tess says as she storms through the door with Clarissa and Noah.

"Uhm, yep okay, just come on in, that's fine," I say, shrugging, I think they have had a couple drinks before getting here because Tess couldn't walk in a straight line.

I close the door and walk back into the kitchen. I see Tess sitting on the floor with a drink in her hand.

"Hey Tess, uh- are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah Oh wow, OMG I'M SO DRUNK, and I like it" Tess says slurring her words, slinging her drink towards my shoes.

"Those are nice shoes..." she says, reaching for my feet, I take a step back and then call Clarissa in to help her.

"Hey did someone say my name, Oh my gosh, Maya I'm so sorry about her, she wanted to stop by a liquor store and we bought a 6 pack of beers .... and uhm..... she drank them all. We got my dad to buy them because *scoffs* under age! Tess claimed it was fine because there are teachers everywhere that are over 21 making it legal, so yea." says Clarissa as she walks in with Noah holding her hand, going towards Tess. 

I laugh and shake my head and leave the room. Lucas, Evelyn and I are taking photos in front of the red carpet when I see Clarissa and Tess go into my room. I go to walk after them but Noah comes up.

"Hey Maya, quick question, I was wondering, Clarissa and I took a photo and we were wondering if you would mind posting the photo on your account, and tag us, if you don't mind" Noah says, as he keeps looking behind him, at my dorm room door.

"Sorry Noah, but I don't know you guys well enough to do something like that" I say, then I nudge Lucas, he catches on instantly and I start hurrying through the crowd towards my door.

I bump into a couple people because I'm looking behind me to make sure that Lucas isn't letting him go anywhere and then I hear him call something out behind me.

"Uhm Maya- wait up, don't go in there, come back PLEASE" 

He notices I don't hear him so he pushes past Lucas. I look over and see that Lucas grabbed his shirt and stopped him.

"I don't know what's going on here but it's making Maya uneasy okay, as long as nothing is happening you shouldn't be so worried about her going into her own room. Do we have a problem or are we good" Lucas says.

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