Chapter 30

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The week went by relatively quickly, one day I found an adorable picture of Flynn Rider and Rapunzel and showed Lucas, we recreated it and I posted it on my Instagram, it looked so cute! Before I knew it, the weekend had finally come. I messaged Auntie Maha to make sure everything was still good for bringing August to the beach and she said everything is fine so Lucas and I got into my car, with some spare clothes in the back for after, and drove to Auntie Maha's apartment. As soon as we came up to their apartment door August ran out and gave me a big hug, before quickly grabbing his swim clothes and running back out again.

"Hi Auggie! Are you ready for an awesome day?" I asked, hugging him again.

"Yeah!" he yelled, as I picked him up and carried him to the car.

I waved goodbye to Auntie Maha and then we drove down to the beach. I didn't want to go into the water because my hair would get soaked and then I would catch a cold. So I watched Lucas run down to the water with August, it was so cute! He already loved him, and that doesn't happen often with August. Then once August got cold he ran up to me and I wrapped him in a towel and sat with him and Lucas until he stopped shivering. Then Lucas and I found a large piece of driftwood and held it for him and he played limbo. He went incredibly low, but once he got out he said the thing I knew he would say, because we always play this at family gatherings;

"Ava would have won if she were here, she's so flexible"

And he wasn't wrong, Ava is like a mini contortionist, she already does cheer and she is only in grade 5. Then I drew a hopscotch grid in the sand and we all took turns doing it until August got tired. Then before we went to go get ice cream, August just HAD to write his name in the sand, he drew an adorable smiley face on top and then stood back satisfied. We were heading to get ice cream when August changed his mind and decided that he wanted fries instead, that sounded good so we walked a little bit further down to the shop and bought some. While we were waiting for them to be ready, August got cold again so I wrapped him back up in his towel. 

After a couple of minutes of waiting he was getting restless so Lucas picked him up and started playing with him. It was so adorable that I just had to take a photo. After we had finished our food it was starting to get dark so we started heading back to my car. August was so tired that he could hardly walk and so Lucas gave him a piggyback ride all the way to my car, which was just so adorable. Once we reached the car August fell asleep so we then had to carry him into the house. Auntie Maha thanked both of us for looking after him, then we left. 

Once we were in the car we drove down a side street and then pulled the back shades up. I climbed into the back and changed into more appropriate city clothes and then I swapped with Lucas before we headed out to have dinner. 

While walking down the streets a couple of fans came up to us and were taking photos of us, so I gave one of them my phone and asked them to take one of us for me. They all screamed and in the end I had about 150 photos but I love my fans so much so I gave them all a big hug before pulling Lucas into a restaurant and closing the door. 

Once we were safely inside I posted the picture on my Instagram before sitting down to eat. After we finished eating I was getting tired so we drove back to Lucas' dorm, time to put the things we bought into use, I texted Evelyn saying I was going to be staying the night at Lucas' again. We went into his room and laid down, I was drifting off as Lucas whispered comforting things to me to help me sleep. 

"I'm always here for you my love, just remember that. I would never do anything to hurt you" I hear him say before I fall asleep, him stroking my hair.

That's the end of Chapter 30! Chapter 31 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxx

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