Chapter 24

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I woke up around 7:00 on Sunday and started to get ready. I didn't need to be fancy, my show wasn't until 5:00 and we would get there around 2:00. So I just threw on a black hoodie, black pants, and black shoes. Put my hair into a messy bun and then headed out to meet the band at the bus. As soon as I opened the door, Lucas was standing there, I grabbed his hand and we walked down to the bus together. He takes a photo of me and I post it. Then we loaded mine and the band's things onto the bus. By the time that was finally done it was almost 8:00, which meant we had to leave. The guys practically ran onto the bus, they were ready to go, but I had to say goodbye to Lucas, the hardest thing I've had to do in a while. 

"Just 'cause I'm leaving, it doesn't mean that I won't be right by your side, when you need me, and you can't see me. Just call me, and I'll pick up straight away" I say, taking his hands, he looked a bit nervous, "It's okay, I know you're scared. Just remember even when I'm not with you, I will always be right there. Even though I'm leaving I'm not going anywhere, not again"

We kissed and then I slowly got onto the bus, my eyes filling with tears. I waved goodbye to him as Mary drove away, and then started crying. 

"Don't worry Maya, you will see him again before you know it, and you will have loads of fun while you are out, I'll make sure of it!" Nick says, coming over and giving me a hug. 

He's so sweet, I've always thought of him like a big brother, and George is the annoying cousin. They are both really funny but Nick and I have always had a special bond. The guys made the trip so fun and I looked at the clock and it was 1:50. We were almost in Nashville! 

We got to the venue about 20 minutes later and I was so excited! We went in and I watched the set technicians set up the stage. It looked so good! I was so excited to perform. We did a run through of the show, to make sure microphones were working and we had all our timings absolutely perfect. We then got Mary, Rachel and Gerald to sit in the back of the audience to make sure they will be able to hear us. When we got the all clear we all headed back to the bus to take a quick power nap. 

When we woke up it was about 3:30, so I changed for the show. I put on my red jacket over the top I was already wearing, then put on some black pantyhose and black heels. I was so ready for this show! We went back into the venue, and I took my place at the photo wall, ready for the VIP's to start coming. I met a girl named Ramona, a guy named Stuart, a little girl named Jewel, a lady named Irene, a girl named Shannon, a boy named Christopher, a guy named Mark, a guy named Alan, and a guy named John. The next person in line was a guy, but he was facing the wrong way. I was very confused, until he turned around. 

"Oh!" I screamed, when I saw him, "Wow!"

I started to tear up as I ran into his arms. 

"Surprise" Lucas said, wiping the tears from my eyes. 

"Well, this is definitely an awesome surprise!" I say, still hugging him.

I started to cry even more, it was just such a shock and I'm so happy. Then Mary gently comforts me and then reminds me that we are on a time limit and my time is almost up.

"Oh Lord, I don't want to say goodbye again" I said, hugging him even more.

"Well don't worry because I got front row tickets so it's going to be like we never parted" Lucas says, wiping more tears from my face.

I kiss him before he has to go, so I can meet the next person, an adorable little girl named Andrea. She asked why I was crying, and I said I whispered to her what it was and told her not to tell anyone. She smiled, said she couldn't wait to watch me. I took my jacket off and we took a photo together before the next people came. After the LONG line of VIP's I went backstage to get ready before performing. I did some vocal warm ups and I heard the band onstage warming up as people started coming into the theater. 

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