Chapter 9

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We met at the park, and this time we went walking around.

"Are you a reader?" I ask, looking at all of these trees is making me think of books.

"Only if they are really good, like Harry Potter!" he says.

"Oh yes! Harry Potter is so good! J.K Rowling is an amazing writer!" I say, smiling, "And I've always wanted an owl, but I have Goodwin, so it's close enough"

He laughs.

"I know it's weird, but I've always wanted an alpaca," he says.

I laugh, and then start running through the park. We get to some benches near the tennis courts and sit down.

"How have people reacted to our photo yesterday?" he asks.

"Mainly just people asking how we met, and saying our friendship is beautiful, you know, the usual Instagram comments" I say, scrolling through them, "What's the weather like in Texas around this time, I've only been near the end of the year?"

"Well January is normally the coldest, so we are just starting to warm up around now" he says, smiling, "We usually get tornadoes around this time"

He smiles at me.

"That reminds me of a time when we had a storm back home, I was really little and we were in the house, and it was super dark, and all the noises were super loud, I was scared so my mum came into my room and hid under my blanket with me, we told stories and she sang me songs until I fell asleep, and when I woke up, I could smell pancakes, and I closed my eyes and pretended I had a normal family" I said, smiling at the memory, trying not to let the fact that there was also a really sad aspect in it.

"What do you mean a normal family?" Johnny asked.

Then I explained my whole situation with my father, from the day I was born to last year.

"I'm so sorry Maya I had no idea" he says, dropping his head.

"Hey, no don't worry about it, it always surprises people, you should have seen Lucas's face when I told him, oh and Evelyn's was funny too!" I say, trying to lighten the mood, "Anyway, what are you most proud of?"

He thinks for a bit.

"When I got cast in the show Prank Me, it's a horror show all about a prank YouTuber, when the fame gets to his head he starts to go crazy, and things don't turn out well for the people he pranks. It was so much fun to film, I played the main character which was a BIG achievement for me, and I am so grateful for the role." he says.

"That sounds awesome!" I say, the show actually seems really cool, "I've only been in one horror and it was a movie, it's called Emergency I played a character named Maddy, the movie is all about these three guys, they go to a college party and when they get back to their dorm they find a girl unconscious in their room, so the guys try to get the girl home safely without the police finding out in case they might think they did it. I play the girl's sister. It was super fun!" 

We talk for a bit longer, then Johnny says that he has homework he has to get back to doing, so we take a photo and then we plan to go out for lunch tomorrow as we both have a free period before lunch. Then as he leaves I post the photo. I walk around the park afterwards, and text Lucas some, before heading back to the campus, to have my shift at the café. 

That's the end of Chapter 9! Chapter 10 will be out tomorrow! Hang in there, longer chapters coming very soon! Bye lovelies! xxx

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