Chapter 38

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A couple days later, I found out that my old middle school was still open, and there was a reunion happening and I realized it had been two almost three years since I had been in that building, which was crazy. I was feeling a lot better so of course I had to go and I dragged Lucas along with me. We first got there and I got him to take a photo in front of the sign. We go inside and I'm shocked at who I find there. My two favorite teachers from middle school, Mr Leonard and Mr Rogers! I was so happy when they came over because they remembered me! Mr Leonard had been my history teacher and Mr Rogers had been my math teacher. Mr Rogers and I laughed because I told him I was still getting good grades in Math. My last year at middle school had been with him for Math and I came into the class as stupid as a brick and now I told him that thanks to his teaching I tutored a classmate in Math. He was very happy to hear that. Then I took Lucas on a tour of the school. We first went to all the core subject classrooms, like Math and Science. Then on our way to my personal favorite room, the Performing Arts room, Lucas took my hand and then started laughing.

"What?" I ask, turning to him.

"I never realized how tiny your hands are. It's cute," he said, and it made me laugh.

"They aren't TINY Huckleberry. You just have really big hands." I say, dragging him around the corner, I hadn't called him that in a while, it felt good.

"Whatever, I still say they are tiny." We continued the argument all the way into the drama room.

I'm not mad at him, I'm just stubborn. Then I see a bucket of paint on the stage, and no canvas in sight. 

"Ha hurr!" I yell before running towards the paint.

"Oh here we go again," Lucas laughed, running after me.

As soon as Lucas gets close enough I take a fistful of the paint and smear it all over his face. He starts laughing in that slightly menacing way and scrapes it off his face and wipes it all over my hair. I jump on his back and run paint through his hair.

"The hotel is going to hate us after this," he says, laughing.

"Oh babe, they already do," I say laughing, remembering that night when Lucas kept pushing me off the bed until I finally laughed.

He would do anything to make me smile and laugh and I just love him so much. We continued throwing paint all over each other until there was no part of me that wasn't covered. 

"Oh god, what are we doing?" Lucas asks, laughing.

"Well what does it look like we are doing Huckleberry?" I ask.

"It looks like we broke into your middle school drama room, covered each other with paint, and are now standing very close to each other in an empty classroom," Lucas says.

"You really are as smart as they say," I say, laughing.

"And you are as reckless as they say," Lucas says.

"Is that okay?" I ask.

"It's perfect," Lucas says, before kissing me.

I laugh and then someone walks in. One of my friends from my friendship group in middle school.

"Dez!" I yell, trying to wipe slightly dried paint off my face so he will recognize me.

"Oh my gosh! Maya?" Dez exclaims, running up towards Lucas and I.

Dez hesitates because of the paint all over me but then shrugs and gives me a big hug. Good to see he hasn't changed since middle school. He was never afraid of getting a bit messy, especially if it involved our friendship group, which believe it or not actually used to happen a lot. 

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