Chapter 18

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The next day we were in Math, my last class for the day and Johnny nudged me and motioned towards the clock, meaning class was almost over. I started to pack my things up. Professor Bengali said we can go early so I grab all my things and try to get out as quickly as possible, when there is a sudden jolt in the floor. I'm near the front of the room when in a few seconds the whole room is shaking sharply. 

"Earthquake!" Professor Bengali cries.

I freeze, I'm not sure where to go or what to do, the room is shaking violently. I've never been in an earthquake this strong, I've only ever been in small ones back home. This was scary. 

Someone calls my name out and I see the shadow of the white board falling towards me. Then it felt like everything was going in slow motion. I drop to the floor and wait for it to hit me. Half a second passes and nothing has happened, I look up and see Lucas holding it up. I stare at him for a millisecond, he looks so scared! Then I quickly rushed out from underneath the board. 

I sit in the corner of the room away from anything that can fall on me, with my knees pulled up to my chest waiting for the earthquake to end. When it finally ends, I can't seem to get up, I just keep sitting and staring at the board on the floor, where I was only seconds ago. Lucas walks over, and goes to help me up.

"Hey! Get away from her, hasn't she made it clear enough!" Johnny yelled, pushing him away from me.

"Oh I'm sorry, I just wanted to help her, I know you would understand because you just saved her life, oh wait no, that was ME!" Lucas yells back, pushing him back. 

They continue shouting, which helps me snap out of my daze. I grab all of my stuff and just run out, their shouts getting quieter and quieter behind me. I run all the way back to my dorm and just throw myself onto the couch. I just let everything out, I started bawling. I almost died, and no one except Lucas had made any effort to help me. Just when I think I'm fine, Evelyn bursts through the door. 

"THANK THE LORD YOU'RE OKAY!" Evelyn yells, running up to me and hugging me so hard I think I heard one of my ribs crack.

I just hugged her. We stayed like that for a while until we decided it was probably a good idea to clean up all the plates and other things that fell out of the cupboards. 

That's the end of Chapter 18! The next ones will be longer I promise! Chapter 19 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxx

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