Chapter 40

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I got a notification on my phone. It was her again. Normally I would just go straight to Lucas and tell him that she's back to sending me messages again, but this time her message caught me off guard.

"Hey Maya, you thought I would leave you alone after your big superman boyfriend swooped in, but you would be very wrong. Next time you try and kill yourself, don't use pain killers in your bathroom. Even your suicide attempts are weak. If you need, I would be more than happy to shoot you myself. It would be more satisfying on my half. "

Only Lucas and Evelyn knew about that... Someone told her. I rushed to Lucas's place.

"Lucas, do you know who my bully is?" I ask, really hoping it wasn't him.

"No of course not, but I can find out. Why? What did she say now?" Lucas asks.

I sigh in relief. We talk for a bit but I don't tell him what she said because he could very easily be lying to me. I had to go check with Evelyn, but she also said no. One of them is lying to me. 

The next day I message my bully, asking what her name is. She answered saying her name was Paige. That was easier than expected. I went straight to Lucas again. If it was anyone, just please not him.

"Lucas, do you know anyone named Paige?" I ask.

"No, Maya, is that your bullies name? If it is then I WILL FIND HER!" Lucas says, but I just drop down crying.

Lucas runs to me confused.

"She messaged me yesterday about things only you and Evelyn know. You've said you don't know her, which means that Evelyn has been telling her everything," I cry, showing him the messages.

He offers to do something about it, but I tell him I need to do it myself. I text Evelyn saying I know about Paige and we meet up in the courtyard to talk.

"How could you do this to me?" I yell, and she looks hurt, "That's the thing with you bitches. You think everyone is just going to forgive you for all the crap you do when really, life doesn't work like that. I've tried with other people but this is the last straw!"

"You made me like this. It was your idea to branch out and pretend to make friends!" Evelyn said.

"Evelyn, I never said pretend! You really are as bitchy as they come! You think your shit doesn't stink, you think the rest of us are dumb!" I yell, and she's taken aback, I haven't used her full name since we became friends, "I hate Paige's guts, but here's what you don't comprehend. At least she has the guts to not PRETEND TO BE MY FRIEND!"

"Maya," Evelyn says, trying to say something.

"NO! It's fine, really fine. I'll be fine," I say, turning my back to her, "Just don't talk to me anymore."

Then I ran all the way to our dorm. I grab a hammer out of our tool kit and I go into our room. I take down everything on my wall and put all the pictures of Lucas and my decorations into a box and then I take every photo of Evelyn and I and I use the hammer to smash them. I then leave them on the floor so she can see when she walks in. Then I take all my pillows and my bed covers, blankets and all my clothes out of our room and move it into Ally and Elle's old room. I then spend a bit making my bed and putting a picture of Lucas and I on my bedside table. I hear Evelyn go into our room, thinking I would be in there. And then hear her crying, she obviously found the pictures. Then I just go to sleep. The next morning I change really quickly and hurry out the door before Evelyn can stop me. I stayed in that room until, I'll admit, I got really lonely. 

So I texted Lucas. 

"MAYA: This is very important Lucas. I need you to go down to Chipotle and bring me a burrito.

LUCAS: Why can't you get it?

MAYA: Because I'm lazy.

LUCAS: Then no.

MAYA: I'll move into your dorm, my stuff is already in a box ready.

LUCAS: I'm at Chipotle right now."

I grabbed my keys, I still have the one for his room. And then waited for Lucas to come with my burrito. He came and texted me if he could come in, he was cautious about Evelyn but she was out so it was fine. I left a note for her on her bed. 

"Dear Evelyn,

This is the last you are going to hear from me. It's been about a week since you broke my trust and told Paige my biggest secret. I still can't bring myself to hear your name or look at you without crying because I still don't understand why you did it. Nonetheless, I am trying to turn over a new leaf. I am writing to inform you that I will be moving out of our dorm and changing all classes that we have together to ensure we are apart next year. As I go, I plan to leave behind all the pain and heartache you caused me. 

Be well, 


Then we started taking the boxes to Lucas's dorm. When everything was finally in his dorm I started to make my bed. Then Lucas pushes his bed against mine so it's like we have a double. 

"It's almost perfect," I say.

"What else does it need?" Lucas asks, looking around.

All of his stuff is still there, and my clothes are in the closet and my workout equipment is in the corner.

"This," I say, putting up the collage of pictures of Lucas and I over the chair that he has his guitar resting on, "Perfect."

Later that night we are laying in bed, just talking.

"I'm sleepy," I say, and Lucas strokes my hair.

"Then go to sleep," he says.

"But I want to talk to you," I say.

"Then talk to me," Lucas says.

"But I'm sleepy," I say, moving closer to him.

"You can't do both, so just choose one," Lucas says laughing.

Eventually we fall asleep, and later that night for no real reason I wake up. It's really late and Lucas is asleep, and I feel his heat against me. I turn around to face him and can't help but smile when I see his face, so peaceful, innocent and vulnerable. I gently kiss his forehead so I don't wake him up and then turn back around. I feel his arm wrap around my waist, and I drift back to sleep knowing it doesn't get better than this. The next morning I then got a message from my acting agents, they had booked me my big break, ready for next year. I had never been more excited!

The End <3

That's the end of the book! Book 3, which will be called Two Young Hearts, will be out at some point. I'm not sure exactly when, so watch this space because I will tell you guys the day before it comes out. I hope you guys have enjoyed reading the series as much as I enjoyed writing it. Book 3 awaits! Bye for now lovelies! xxx

Fall Apartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें