Chapter 4

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Lucas and I were just walking around the courtyard, when we saw a crowd gathered around a stage. Confused, we walked up. On the stage were three girls, one was wearing a red dress, high heels and her hair tied high, the one on the other side was a girl with her nails and hair all done up. The girl in the middle has blonde hair with brown roots, she was wearing an all black sparkly jumpsuit. At first I didn't recognize them, but then I got closer, it was Tess and Clarissa with their friend Melody, THAT'S her name, finally. I went up to support them, and then I heard something really strange. Melody started singing MY SONG, How to Go to Confession. Lucas and I both just looked at each other in shock. I didn't want to react straight away because it would ruin my chances of anyone believing me. I couldn't just stand here and do nothing though. So I waited for the song to finish. Melody, Tess and Clarissa then all walk off the stage, and so I follow them. 

"Tess? Clarissa? I can't believe you just stole my song! I NEVER would have thought you would have done something like that" I say, and they turn around slowly, not wanting to look me in the eyes. 

"Uhm- what are you talking about? Heh, we didn't steal anything" Clarissa says. 

Then Clarissa's phone on the table next to us lights up, and on her screen were photos of my song book. I grabbed her phone before she could and I scrolled through the photos. She had taken a picture of EVERY SINGLE PAGE of my song in the book. 

"UH- Then HOW do you explain this?!" I ask as I turn the phone around to show Lucas.

"UH MAYA, you have SO MANY SONGS and we just wanted ONE of them, OK, is that TOO MUCH to ask?!" Clarissa says annoyed.

"But Maya spent so much time writing that song, YOU can't just steal it!" Lucas says, defending me. 

I was so shocked. I didn't know what to say or do. I just stood there, frozen, trying to process how my "new friends" just stole from me and claimed one of my songs. 

"Look, we both know the truth, and to be honest, this is a great test to see who my real friends are. If you actually want to save this friendship, then you know what to do" I say, crossing my arms.

"Hah, why would we want to do that?!" Clarissa says, laughing.

"Yeah..." Tess says, walking away.

I sigh and walk away as well, but then behind us I hear the microphone.

"Hi everyone, my name is Tess Young and I stole the song that we just performed. This was an act of plagiarism. I wish I could claim that this was a mistake, but I knew exactly what I was doing wrong when I did it. I then continued to cover up the plagiarism and take no action to correct the record in the time after I did it. All I can do now is apologize to Maya Hart. It was wrong of me to use your song without permission. Your efforts deserve the recognition that I denied. I know this is probably hurtful to you, I am deeply sorry for the pain I caused you. I also wish to apologize to all of you, telling you that the song I had created was my own even though I knew it wasn't. You trusted me and expected honesty from me and I have let you all down. I understand that my actions have disappointed you and caused you grief, and again, I am sorry. I deeply regret my actions. What I did was wrong and there is no excuse for it. I should have put more effort into creating an original song. In the future, I will be more cautious about my work, especially when it comes to using the work of others in it. While I understand you will be mad at me and I accept that, I sincerely hope that, with time and effort, I can move past these offenses to regain the trust of all I have deceived. Thank you" Tess says, before stepping off the stage. 

I smile and nod at Tess and she gives me a small smile back before going back backstage. Then Lucas and I head back to the dorms. 

That's the end of Chapter 4! Chapter 5 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xx

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