Chapter 19

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I wake up the next morning with a stabbing pain in my mind, I can't get the feeling of my stomach dropping before I hit the floor out of my head. My heart was aching and throbbing, from fear. Lucas was the only one who tried to save me, he still cares about me... as much as I care about him. The look of fear on his face has been tormenting me since then, I still love him so much, a flawless way to show that was that as soon as I said that to myself, one of my producers texted me saying my song was on Spotify! 

I opened Lucas's contact and saw that I had wiped all of our messages, a pang of guilt washed over me and I wished I hadn't done that. Then I sent him the link, no context or anything. Within a minute or two he responded.

"LUCAS: Cool, I'll listen to it now.

LUCAS: Wait is that you singing?!

LUCAS: It sounds awesome Maya!

MAYA: Thanks

LUCAS: Please listen, Maya we need to talk and you know it"

I knew he was right, so we got to talking and planned to meet in the park the next day. Which came sooner than I expected. As I walked to the spot we planned I felt all these butterflies in my stomach, but instead of gently flickering around they feel like they are trying to burst through, but I keep going. 

Then I saw him, he was sitting by the creek and when he looked up at me my heart jumped into my throat, so I swallowed hard and walked over. He ran over to me and we met in the middle, before I could even say or do anything he just started speaking.

"Your song was amazing! I know I don't deserve you, Maya, but hear me out, that would be enough. If I could go back in time, and I could stop all of this from happening, I would, and you would smile, and that would be all I need. I don't pretend to know all of the challenges you're facing, we have been so out of touch I hardly know your life anymore and you need time, but I'm not afraid. I know who you are, and if you could let me stay here by your side, that would be enough. I wish you could see how proud of you I am and how sorry I am for what happened last month" Lucas says, and my heart melts, he really is sorry.

"Lucas, I do see it, you saved my life, AGAIN, when no one else even TRIED! How many times have you saved me now, is that the 5th time?" I ask laughing.

I take his hand as he laughs, his beatific smile lit me up inside. His dreamy eyes were smiling at mine. I pull him into a hug and feel his warm arms wrap around me, the wings are back and I'm only just now realizing how much I missed them. We pull away but not enough to be apart. I can see him blush, but he doesn't move away. I'm so close to him that I can see every little detail of his face. His soft lips, his slight blush, and his captivating smile. I lean in and let him take the lead and let the sweet taste of his lips seep through me. 

"Good to have you back, Huckleberry" I whisper, laughing.

"Right back at you Diamond" Lucas says smiling, and then takes my hand and we walk through the park talking.

After a while I realized something.

"Can we not post anything about us getting back together yet? For two reasons, one is that I want to tell Johnny in person and two, is that I've been in the spotlight my whole life, and I'm not complaining, but I just want to enjoy one private thing for a bit before leaking it to my thousands of fans" I say.

"That makes sense... Wait a second, did you just say THOUSANDS?!" he asks, stopping in the middle of the path.

"Yeah! You're dating a triple threat, actress, singer and model! What did you expect!?" I say, letting go of his hand and doing a pirouette and then flicking my hair.

"Oh Maya! This is huge!" Lucas says, looking impressed.

He picks me up by the waist and swings me around and I laugh, throwing my arms out. He slowly sets me down, kissing me again in the process. We walked back to campus, hand in hand, until we got into the courtyard, then I sadly parted from him to go find Johnny.

That's the end of Chapter 19! Chapter 20 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxx

Fall ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora