Chapter 29

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I woke up the next morning and Lucas's arms were wrapped around me. He's smiling down at me.

"Morning good-looking," I say, kissing him.

"You're 20!" he says, squeezing me.

"I was 20 a month ago" I laugh.

"Still counts, happy birthday diamond" he says. 

My party starts at 5:30 and goes until late, and it was about 9 o'clock in the morning so Lucas changed and then we went to my dorm so I could change and brush my hair. Afterwards we went out to the shops so that I could move some stuff for me into his room for whenever I choose to stay over. We buy me a toothbrush, a hairbrush and some basic makeup, then we go to get food. I decided that today is the day I'm going to tell my fans about Lucas and I, we sit down with our popcorn on a step near a door of a shop that has been closed for a while, there is a fire hydrant directly in front so I set my phone up on it and then set a timer. 

I convinced him to do a candid photo and so once the timer starts I just start laughing and messing around with him. The picture captures me trying to feed him popcorn. It was absolutely adorable. So of course I had to post it. As soon as I posted it, it was like the flood gates had been opened because so many happy fans came screaming into the comments about how relieved they are that we are back. Then we parted so that we could get ready for the party. He took all of my stuff and sent me a picture when he was done, he had secluded an entire cabinet for all of my stuff, and he only has two cabinets so I was absolutely ecstatic that he would do that. I went to the holiday house that Sarah stayed in last year, and to my relief she had left the dress there for me. I picked it up and headed back to my dorm. I pulled the beautiful red fabric over my head before curling my hair and doing my makeup. I then paired it with black nails, my InvisiWear, a silver necklace and matching earrings, and the cherry on top, a giant silver crown. Then I slipped on some white heels underneath and headed out with Evelyn. 

As we were walking Evelyn took a candid photo of me in the corridor and posted it on her Instagram, wishing me a very late happy birthday. 

Then once we were outside the venue I took a selfie in the dress and posted it on my Instagram. Then I spotted Lucas... Even though I picked his suit out with him, seeing him in it in the setting sun was just so shocking. I called out to him and he ran over picking me up and swinging me around.

"You look beautiful!" he said, leading me inside the venue. 

We stood in a room and he took a photo of me and then posted it onto his Instagram. Being a birthday girl is a lot of work! Everyone wants photos of you! Then for the rest of the night we partied and ate amazing food until we couldn't eat anymore, then one stupid person would try and shove more food into their bodies and throw up on the dance floor, so some people went home and others just moved everything inside and continued the party there. Everyone I had a proper connection with who lives in Ohio was there, my cousin August and my Aunt Maha, Nick and George were there, Topanga was there with Riley, Tess, Elle and Ally, Johnny was there too, and obviously Evelyn and Lucas and... Wait, is that? There is a slightly familiar face across the room, he turns around and, YES that's him! I ran up to him and hugged him so hard.

"OHMIGOD ZAY!" I screamed.

"Maya!" he exclaimed.

It was my childhood friend Zay! We caught up on everything that had happened and he told me that he lived in Ohio now. I was so excited to hear that because he was one of my closest friends in high school. I go onto my Instagram and instantly follow him, I see that he hasn't posted any photos since I left New York, it was good to see all of those memories.

 I go onto my Instagram and instantly follow him, I see that he hasn't posted any photos since I left New York, it was good to see all of those memories

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We followed each other and then did the handshake that we made up all those years ago, we both still remembered it perfectly. Then Lucas came over and I introduced them. They got along pretty well, because I introduced him as a childhood friend. I didn't tell him everything... Zay was a great friend, and still is, but some scars still run deep, something happened a while ago... 

- Flashback - 


"ZAY! Guess what! Momma and Father fought again last night, this time Father told Momma that she looked ugly in her wedding dress and then burned it in front of her eyes. It made me sneeze!" I say to my kindergarten friend Zay.

"Oh, I'm sorry Maya, do you want to stay at my house tonight, again?" he asks


I ran to Zay a couple days later, he was standing with some other friends. "Zay... Father hit me last night and then was gone this morning" I say, trying to find some comfort in my friend.

He ignores me and keeps talking with his friends, I cry and run away. 


- End Flashback - 

Once everything "blew over" with my parents Zay suddenly started talking to me again and we became close over the years but he was conveniently never there when anything serious happened with my family, but if it was anything else then he was more than happy to help. 

The rest of the night went smoothly, everyone got along pretty well. I went over and said hi to my adorable cousin August and Auntie Maha showed me the post she put up of a photo of me and him from a while ago, wishing me a happy birthday. It was so cute, he looked so little in that photo! Maha and I made plans to catch up again. Then some people started leaving. I stood at the door and thanked people for coming.

Soon it was just Lucas and I left. We packed everything up together (well really I tried to help but Lucas got worried I would hurt myself and did it all for me). While he did that I planned with Auntie Maha to pick up August on the weekend and take him to the beach, and Lucas would come with us. Then I told Lucas and he agreed and then said that afterwards we could go into the city and have a magical night out, whatever that entailed. I was so excited I could barely wait for the week to begin, so it can end just as quick! August is so adorable and one of my favorite cousins, my mom has two sisters, Auntie Maha and Auntie Sandrine, Auntie Sandrine has four daughters, Ava is my favorite from that family. Once I got home I put away all my presents from the day and then went to bed.

That's the end of Chapter 29! Chapter 30 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxx

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