Chapter 12

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The dorm feels so lonely now that Evelyn is gone. I also don't have interesting meals anymore, I'm not as good at cooking as she is. I was messing around on my guitar on the couch when I got a text from Lucas. 

"Hey Diamond, we haven't had a day just to us two in forever, you got 20 minutes ;)" 

I laugh and start getting ready. I don't know exactly where we are going, so I go for a soft casual look. A knock on the door sounds 5 minutes later and Lucas is waiting outside of it in a blue flannel. It was around 5 pm when we arrived outside a restaurant, Boots and Saddler. It is a contemporary casual restaurant with a Texan feel, with checkered tablecloths, Fluro lighting and a mechanical bull in the heart. We sit down at a table a moderate distance from the mechanical bull. I could see that Lucas really felt at home here because he relaxed immediately. 

"Because I'm the more fun one, I guess I will be carrying this night" Lucas says.

"Who says I'm not fun?" I ask, and he gives me a look which I know means that he doesn't believe me, "Do I really have to prove myself?"

Lucas just smiles and laughs.

"Fine, then I'm going to ride that bull!" I say, getting up.

"Wait no, Maya, you're going to hurt yourself, I was only joking," Lucas says, trying to get me to sit back down. 

"Haha, who's the non-fun one now?!" I ask, going up to the bull.

I got on and felt pretty confident, then they turned it on and within two seconds, I was on the floor. I start laughing because it all happened so fast that I don't actually know what happened. Lucas rushes over to me, looking concerned. 

"Oh my god, Maya, are you okay?" Lucas asks, helping me up.

"I'm fine! That was so fun! What should we do next?" I say, still laughing.

"How about you calm down, and we just get some food?" Lucas asks, going back to the table.

We sit back down at the table, and order some food. By the time that we got it more people were coming in, because it was now 6:30 pm. I got the Chicken Critter Salad and Lucas got the Grilled BBQ Chicken with a side of Fries. As a side we ordered two Bacon Stuffed Baked Potatoes. We were almost finished eating when Lucas said he had to go to the bathroom. 

After ten minutes of waiting I started to get suspicious, so I went to go find him. I look out the window, it's started to get pretty dark. I know it's stupid, but I just want to go wait outside the toilets, make sure he is okay. But what I see is worse than what I was imagining. I sink against the wall and just stare. There is Lucas, pushed up against the wall, not even 5 meters away, making out with some other girl. I feel like I'm spinning in circles, I feel so far away from him even though we are actually so close. 

"LUCAS?!" I shout, walking up to him.

He pushes away from the girl and looks at me shocked.

"Maya? What are you doing?" he asks.

"Better question, what are YOU doing?!" I ask.

"It's not what it looks like, I promise..." Lucas says, as I start to tear up, "No Maya, please don't cry"

He goes to put his arm around me but I step back, holding my breath.

"How could you do this to me?!" I ask, he knows how badly Griffin hurt me.

"Please, let me explain..." Lucas says, stepping forward.

"No, you've done enough, I TRUSTED you, we're OVER," I say, then turn around and run out crying, he can pay for the food, it's the least he can do.

I burst outside into the cold night air. I take a shaky breath and then I get my phone out and call Johnny.

"Maya? What's wrong?" he asks, picking up straight away.

"I'll explain later, can you come pick me up?" I ask, still shaking.

"I'm already on my way, where are you?" he asks as I hear him get into his car.

"Boots and Saddler" I say, I hear him put it into his GPS.

"I'm coming, don't worry" he says, and I thank him before hanging up.

I wait on the curb for about 5 minutes, and then I hear the door behind me open, and then close. Then footsteps came towards me.

"Maya please, just listen to me" Lucas says, trying to get me to turn around, "I can explain."

I see Johnny's car turn the corner so I turn around to face him.

"Don't even try, it's not enough for you to say you love me. I've been told that too many times before, only to have people change their minds. I needed you to SHOW me, and you didn't" I say, then get into Johnny's car. 

As soon as I'm safely in the car, Johnny drives away. I look behind us and see Lucas still standing on the sidewalk, he is running his hands through his hair and kicking the ground in frustration. 

- Switch perspectives - Lucas - 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Maya and I are sitting at the table finishing up our food when I need to go to the bathroom, I excuse myself and go, as I'm leaving, I see this girl waiting outside. At first I thought it was Maya, but as I got closer I saw it wasn't. I was a bit weirded out but decided she was probably just someone else's girlfriend. I went to walk past her, but she stopped me.

"Ooh, you're hot. I come here every weekend, and have never seen someone like you." she said, getting closer to me.

I backed up against the wall, and she just kept getting closer.

"You smell so good, and have such pretty skin" she said, running her hands across my arms, "Gimme your number, I'll be sure to call you before you leave." she says.

I try to move away from her but she won't let me.

"I know you want me, it's easy to see. And in the back of your mind you know you should be making out with me." she says, she's close enough now that I can smell her breath, which is scented very strongly of alcohol.

"I should get back to my girlfriend now..." I say, hoping that would make her stop.

"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot and fun like me. I know that she "loves you", I'd probably be just as crazy about you if you were my own man." she said, before launching herself on me.

Her hands grabbed my shoulders tight, I closed my eyes and tried my best to turn my face, but she wouldn't budge, every time I moved her she just laughed and moved right back. Then Maya comes up behind us. I push the girl off me, she scoffs but I don't care.

I wondered what she was doing, she was supposed to be waiting at the table, but she fired back at me asking what I was doing, which was fair. She started to tear up and my heart throbbed. I stepped forward to hug her but she held her breath and stepped back. I knew how badly Griffin hurt her and I feel so stupid. Then she runs out. I rush over to the table and take the check and pay. 

I then rushed out the door, hoping she was still there. To my relief she was, I tried to talk to her but she ignored me. Then she finally turns to me. She tells me she's never talking to me again, before getting into a car that had just pulled up. Just before they drive away I see Johnny behind the wheel, at least I know she's safe. But then before I could say anything else they drove away. I watch the car go and feel a rush of anger and frustration come over me. I kick things on the sidewalk and yell. If it wasn't for that girl, Maya would actually be talking to me. Then I get into my car and drive home.

That's the end of Chapter 12! Sorry it was so late, I was super busy today and didn't manage my time well, but your longer chapter is finally out! Chapter 13 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxx

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