Chapter 5

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Sleep fixes all.

When I woke up the next morning I didn't feel sickeningly upset instead I felt sickeningly messy. 

I woke up with my hair a mess, my face sticky because of the tears, and my clothes sticking to my skin from sweat because I was too busy crying to turn on the fan and still used the blanket.

I was no longer upset about yesterday or the past full week. 

I was done with my whole 'pity party'. 

I decided I'd rather not worry about what had already happened and promised never to do that again. 

I mean, as I said before, I already spent a week worried and scared I'd rather not waste another week being sad about the stuff I can't change. 

The simple solution is to listen to my intuition more.

I cleaned up and got dressed. 

I rushed breakfast and reported straight to Martha's office. 

Now that I no longer had to be afraid of the situation, I was excited. 

I wanted to know about magic. 

I wanted to master it and be the best at it. 

It just seemed so cool that I was magical. 

I wanted to know the limits of this magic pronto because if I wasn't given a boundary my imagination would come up with stuff that I'd want but could never have. 

Imagine how sad a life like that would be. Having to imagine stories where you are the main character with magical powers you don't have and never will. Always wanting that world to be real but never truly getting it.

The door opens bringing me back to the real world.

"Heyy! Seems like someone's excited. You won't bail on me again like last time right?" Martha says in a quick breath almost like I'd scared her. 

I smile knowing that I was probably right.

"I won't I promise," I say a little quicker than I intended. 

 She smiles and nods. 

She then leads the way and soon we're back at the adoption center. 

The room looked just like it did yesterday, but it felt different. 

The air felt lighter and the room looked brighter. 

It felt less suffocating and more freeing. 

It was only now that I realized how much I'd affected myself. 

It was sad to think about but that was when I caught myself. 

I was done with pity parties.

We sit there waiting for Minerva to show up. By the time she does, it's almost time for lunch.

"Apologies for my tardiness. There have been some issues with another child's guardian. Nothing to worry about though. Shall we carry on then?" She says in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Hello Minerva," I say my voice restricted to its professionalism. 

This time, it wasn't because I was concealing something but rather because it felt like this was an interview of sorts. 

As I say her name she looks at me, eyes slightly widened. Had I pronounced it wrong?

"My first name is Minerva. I'd prefer you call me by my last name, McGonagall." She says a little panic in her voice. I nod respectfully and move on.

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