Chapter 19

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We stared at each other, the room void of noise, the moonlight reflecting in the waters and into the room.

The room was enveloped in a strangely comfortable silence.

I want to say that I was lost in thought but no thoughts were going through my head. Everything was blank.

I chose to look away from my dorm mates and out the window.

Now that I was closer to the window I could see the image of the moon reflecting onto the underside of the waters and I watched it letting the peaceful thoughtlessness fill all my senses.

When suddenly I hear a small thud and watch as Pansy crashed into her bed.

She looked at us and almost rolled her eyes as she spoke "Okay then...Good night, I guess?"

She laid down on her bed peacefully when oh so very sneakily Daphne got up, grabbed a pillow and tossed it at Pansy.

Daphne smirked at Pansy, "We need to get to know each other-"

Her monolouge was cut off with laughter as Pansy interrupted Daphne with a thrown pillow and a sarcastically smug grin.

With that war began.

Pansy and Daphne tossed their pillows around the room while Paige rushed to join them.

I and Millicent hadn't moved yet instead choosing to sit on the sidelines and watch.

"Who do you think will win?" I ask trying to stir up some conversation.

Sadly Millicent had different ideas as she simply gave a half-hearted shrug accompanied by a grunt.

I sighed and looked back to the group right before they noticed that we weren't joining and decided to force us in by throwing the pillows at us.

I was thankfully able to dodge the projectiles (narrowly but it's something).

I rushed to a bed which still had pillows and made a fort.

Daphne immediately noticed my fort and yelled, "Hey! That isn't fair."

I laughed and smirked as I yelled back, "We're in Slytherin, not Hufflepuff! What'd you expect?"

The comment left the room's occupants laughing unstoppably.

Daphne and Paige made a team attacking me and Pansy so with one glance both of us nodded and she joined me in my fort.

I was the defender and she was the attacker.

We were nearly about to win when the dorm door opened.

We all instantly became silent and looked to the door to see Farley was back.

She looked at us, an unimpressed look that slowly morphed into laughter as she looked at what was going on.

"You know- When I said that- That you could do whatever I didn't mean be the n- Noisiest batch of Slytherins in the past d- Decade." She barely made sense with all the giggling in between but we got the gist.

"The guys of this batch have a similar issue..." she said slowly catching her breath.

At that, an image of Malfoy screeching like a parrot and running from Goyle holding a pillow in attack, appeared in my head and though we were in trouble I couldn't help but let out a scoff. Ofcourse I quickly wiped the smile from my face when Farley looked to me with a raised brow.

Farley looked at us and shook her head, "Go to sleep... It's midnight and tomorrow is gonna be a big day for you. It will be your first day in class and after that, we'll be having a Slytherin meeting where we get all you first years used to one another and to the house as well discuss house adjustments."

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