Watch Every Step You Take

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"Even if we never talk again after tonight, please know that I am forever changed because of who you are and what you've meant to me."


May 15th. That was the final day, and my hell would be over with. But, that was a month and a half away. Almost two months. So much could happen between now and then, so many different outcomes could occur. I could be dead tomorrow. Or, if things actually worked out, maybe I'd be alive at the end of this. But then again, maybe not.

"Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?"

Hunter's deep voice snapped me out of my train of thought, and I smiled up at him. I was back home, safe in my bed. The events that took place here just a week ago still made me wary of being in my room, but I had to get over that. I spent a total of five days at Micah's house; it was actually a nice break from everything. They informed my dad that I had been a victim of LFL's violence, so he was well aware that I was over at their house. He even visited me my last day and took me home.

Of course, we weren't really alone the car ride home. Hunter and Micah followed closely behind, using their "invisible" ability. My dad was curious as to why I wasn't taken to the hospital when Hunter found me.

"Dad, if they took me to the hospital, the staff there would probably file a report for gang related violence. The police would have them arrested and it would be some big ordeal," I told him.

"But wouldn't that be a good thing?" He asked. I had to make up some excuse.

"No. They'd only be in jail for a little while, and then they'd come back and get me twice as worse. It's better to just drop it all together. And plus, Micah used to be a doctor, and he had medical supplies at his house," I lied.

I really disliked having to lie to my dad about everything, but it was just too dangerous for him to know things. If I couldn't make it out alive, at least he would. If there’s one thing I've learned, it's that being innocent and ignorant is better than obtaining a certain knowledge (that certain knowledge being information about fallen angels).

And to think, if I had never overheard that conversation that night between Hunter and Tony, none of this would've happened! I would have experienced a normal five months, fallen in love with Hunter with no worries and Tony would've been exterminated right when it was supposed to happen. There would also have been a higher chance for my survival. I think.

But for now, I was resting. My comforter was tangled around me, my hair messy. I had no makeup on, and my hair hadn't been brushed since a couple days ago, not to mention my breath probably smelled like rotten eggs.

And yet, he still called me beautiful.

He wove his fingers through my hair, messaging my scalp. I closed my eyes in content and scooted over to allow him to lie next to me. His loving touch suddenly disappeared, and I opened my eyes in concern. He was no longer in my room. A moment later though, he came back, hairbrush in hand. I smirked at him and he joined me on my bed and wrapped his body around mine. I was leaning my head on his chest as he gently brushed through my unmanageable hair.

After awhile, I could tell he was getting frustrated with some tangles he couldn't brush through.

"Isn't it funny how one moment our biggest problem is trying to escape from evil fallen angels who want to kill us, and then the next moment our biggest problem is trying to tame a tangle in my hair," I said to him. He laughed and threw the brush down in mock despair.

Kissed By My Angel~ Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now