Getting Published!

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Okay so most of you probably completely forgot about this story because I wrote it years ago and it's been completed for about a year now so it kind of faded into oblivion. But I have some exciting news to share, I currently am in the process of getting this story published on Kindle!
I post this to inform you readers, but also to let you know that there are about to be some EXTREME changes to this story. I'm talking major. I will be basically re-writing the entire book. Characters will still be the same for the most part, but events and details will definitely not be the same.

I read back on it and honestly I am not impressed with what I've written. I felt confident about it when I was writing it at age 16, but now I am almost 20 it just doesn't have what it takes to be a best seller.

I am confident, however, that it can be. It just needs a lot work, I can literally tell it was written by a 16 year old. I have very big goals for this story, goals that haven't changed at all over the years.

Be prepared for change.

For the remaining readers (you) I want to thank you for sticking with me here as I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing, but am certain that I am not going to let this story die. I have a good feeling about it. Can you stay with me just a little longer?


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