something is different about him

690 13 6

Next morning

Apov ( jk and other friends are sitting in class and jk tell tham about his dad worning)

Kai: really did he say that.....

Bam: i can't believe

Rose: i think he is not your real dad i mean how can he say something like this......

Jk : i Know and now i am f**k angery on him .......😠😠😠

Apov ( whan jk and his friend was talking one of the teacher come and called jk)

Teacher: jeon jungkook principal sir is calling you.....

Jk : why .....

Apov ( after that jungkook come to principal office )

Jk : why you called me.....( Rude)

Mr jeon: i will tell you.... why so hurry ...... first come in and have a sit

(Jk comes in and sit on couch in office crossing his legs with so much Attitude)

Mr jeon:so as i tell you last night about the new they are hear and gona joint from today ..,.....and as you know you have to take good care of them other wise i ....

Jk: i Know...i know you don't need to repeat that (annoying)

Mr jeon : good 😊😊

( After a minute teacher come in office)

Teacher: principal sir..,.... they are here........

Mr jeon: oooooo .......let them come in

(After saying this teacher let the 2 boy's come in office........)

???may we come in sir.

Mr jeon: yes come in.......

( At that moment when they enter in the office a very butifull and relaxing smeail hit jungkook nose he just got hypnotize by that smail )

Tea:(bown) hello sir good morning my name is Kim teahyung

Jimin:(bown) hello sir my name is park jimin.....

Mr jeon: good morning and welcome to jeons you are that guys are so Every subject you both have really good grades ......i am so impressed

Temin: thankyou so much sir (😇😇)

(Mr jeon look at jungkook who is still smaling that addictive smali suddenly he come back to earth when his dad called him)

Mr jeon: mr jungkook are
U dremming in day haaaa...... stand and great them
( Jk just rolled his eyes )

Mr jeon: JUNGKOOK......

(JK Stand up lazily )

Jk: name is jeon Jungkook......

( Jungkook was just looking down not interested to look at there face but suddenly he hear the angelic voice and he look up and the owner of the voice)

Tea: good morning jungkook my name is Kim taehyung but you can call me tea.......(smile)

( Jungkook just got lost in the angle Beauty of that person he just looking at tea without blinking)

Jkpov ( fu** who is he he's voice his smile his lips wow it's so beautiful is he an angle ... am i dremming ?)

(His thought got break by jimin)
Jimin: hello jungkook my name is jimin........

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