Your Teacher part 2

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Jk : tea what are you doing here.......( Serious)

Miss Jeon : jungkook you know him

Apov ( acting like she don't know that jk And  teahyung know eachother)

Jk : mmmmm yess he is one of the student of my class

Apov  ( tea fell hurt when jk didn't tell that tea is his friend )

Jk : but teahyung what are you doing here.....

Miss Jeon : jungkook he's hears because he gona help you in study and giving you Class...... your dad request him to be your teacher.....

Jk : what ?????
(Shock + Happy inside)

Jk : you mean from today onwards he's gone study with me......

Jin : yes...... but Bunny if......( Cut of by jk )

Jk : i am okkk with it.....( Plan face )

Apov (Miss Jeon and jin become Shok)

Jin and Miss Jeon: what

Jk : yes i am okkkk with him.... ( Jk was so happy because just 2 minutes before he was thinking to how make tea close to him and spend time with him....and he got the golden opportunity....) mr teahyung let's go to my room....

Jin : in your room why

Jk : he wants to teach me so we are going to my room..... let's go.....

Tea : uhmmmm okkkk let's go......

Apov ( tea and jk went to jk's room.....)

In jk room

Tea : your room is so Big.....

Jk  : Did you like it....

Tea : ........( Silent)

Jk : tea........

Apov ( jk called tea but tea was just looking hear and there)

Tea : sorry mr jungkook did you say something.....

Jk : 😕mr jungkook...... why are you calling me
mr jungkook......

Tea : so what should I call you.....i mean i am your teacher we don't know eachother ..... "I am just a student of your class"
(mocking him)

Jk : ( panic) what are you talking about....

Tea : ohhhhh you don't know what I am talking about...... Mr jungkook....

Jk : tea stop calling me Mr Jungkook.......

Tea : whyyy haaa whyyy didnt you call me mr.teahyung( angery pount)

Jk : ohhh that....i

Tea : and yaaa i am just a person studening in  your class.....haaaaa( angery pount)

Jk : uhmmmm nooo ....i was just....

Tea : just what haaa... you know what just don't talk to me.....

Jk : yea..... i am sorry i don't want them to know that your my friend......if they know than they will not letting you to teach me....

Tea : .........

Jk : tea ....... listen......

Apov ( subbenly someone knowk the door.......jk open the door revealing jin....)

Jin : bunny this is snakes for teahyung......

Jk : okkk ( takes the plate.....and jin leaves the room...)

Jk : tea hear have some snakes......

Tea : .........

Jk : ummm do you want some chocolate chips....or cake hear take anything you like.....

Apov ( jk was trying hard to make tea talk with him....but tea was just di)

Jk : okkk okkkk fine i am saying sorry....... sorry i called you just as a normal class students and sorry for calling you mr.teahyung......( frustrated)

Apov ( jk say it in one breath he don't like tea's silence......and becouse of that he says sorry even if he hate to say sorry)

Tea ( smail) okkk i forgive you....

Apov ( jk and tea smail ear to ear .....)

Tea : okkkk so let's start the study...

Jk : why so hurry......we can spend time and than start study.....

Tea : no kooki we have to study i am hera for This...

Jk : but i don't want study now....let's play video games.....

Tea : no kooki we have to study we can play later....

Jk : why you only want study ( little anger) you came my home first time let's talk for sometime and than we can study....

Tea : but...

Apov ( jk look at tea with so angery look)

Tea : okkk but for sometime okkk....

Jk : (happy) okkkk...

Apov ( after that jk and tea started to talk jk show tea his room they play games and in that they didn't notice time)

Tea : omg it's to let we didn't study at all......i have to go.....

Jk : what why.....

Tea : what do you mean why ....i have to go....hyung must be waiting for me....

Jk : ummmm stay hear have dinner than go naaa

Apov ( jk want to spend more time with him.....)

Tea : no i have to go...see you tomorrow....

Jk : ummmm okkkkk

Apov ( tea grab his bag and leve living a sulke kid behind...jk lied on bad )

Jkpov : today i don't know why...but i am feeling like I am very happy......after so many years i enjoy i fell like so warm feeling in my heart........ I just liking this feeling..... let's meet Tomorrow again tea......

Apov ( jk was thinking about tea angery pount.....)

In jk his thoughts

Tea : whey you called me mr. Teahyung

Tea : don't talk to me...

Tea : why you didn't tell me that I am your friends...

Tea : ( smail) Kooki.....
Apov (End of his thoughts)

Jk : i just love this name when he calls me like this....( Satisfied smail....)


Hii my lovely teakooker thankyou for reading my story.........
Plz ignore my mistake....
Plz comments me what you think about this part.....
Let's meet in next part 😌


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