SZN4 EP1 - "Lazarus rising"

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Kaylnn lead the guy from the bar up the carpeted stairs of the Astoria hotel.

She saw the door number 206 in sight, the stupid pink heart surrounding the number. She hated stuff like that, Valentine's Day made her sick, and lovey dovey stuff only made her want to break things. But, then again she had no doubt that was due to the dysfunctional way she grew up. Boo hoo, honestly if she ever caught herself buying chocolates for anyone but herself she would most definitely gag.

"Let me just get my room" Kaylnn couldn't remember his name.
It didn't matter anyway he had nice hair, dark brown that went in waves down to his ears. She supposed he had nice eyes too, they were green.

Her mind flickered for a moment, they were green, but not the green she wished she was looking at. Shit she shouldn't be thinking right now, she was doing this, to stop thinking. Something to take her mind of everything right now.

She rooted around in her pockets searching for the little metal thing, frustratingly small.

Just as she pulled it, out turning around to open her door, with a smile that didn't feel genuine, the door marked 207 creaked open.

Sam's door. "Sam I'm a little busy right-" she cut herself off shock rippling through her. Behind him standing there, was.....the world swayed, faded and then suddenly everything was bright.

She looked to Sam, question in her eyes. Question and suspicion this was some kind of trick.


"Yeah" Sam smiled true happiness on his face, an emotion that had been so rare to see for months. He nodded, his hair flopping forward.

She took a step forward, then another. Dean's face, which previously had an emotion she couldn't quite decipher was now smirking. Bastard.

Kaylnn scowled storming up to him. Her thick hair blowing behind her shoulders with the pace she'd set. Bobby, who she had only noticed now, practically backed up.

"So it seems even hell couldn't stomach you?" Kaylnn said, contempt in her voice. But she felt an ache in the back of her throat, she suppressed it.

Deans shit eating grin only grew bigger.
"Ahh how nice it is to be missed. I see you certainly are." He gestured to "guy from the bar" behind her in the hall, he was leaning against the wall on his phone.

Exasperation filled her but she didn't turn to acknowledge him, she stayed staring at Dean scrutinising.

"Scheming face?" Sam questioned from behind her.

"Scheming face." Dean replied not breaking eye contact, he took a swig from his beer bottle. She watched as he brought it to his lips so casually. His throat bobbed as the liquid slid down his throat.

Turning abruptly on her heel she walked back out to the guy in the hall.

"Sorry about this but somethings come up..can we do this another time maybe?"

She said, using her best flirting tone. She didn't care who was watching, she was annoyed her night was ruined.

Well she was supposed to be feeling annoyed right now but she couldn't quite manage it for some reason so instead she was being nice.

"Yeah sure... you wanna give me your number?" The guy held out his phone, with a smirk.

"You'll see me in the bar again I'm sure." She fluttered her lashes tilting her head.

"And if you don't here's a little something to remember me by." It was her turn to smirk as she pulled his lapels in and kissed him. No sparks or passion just a kiss, and that was usually enough to get 'em hooked.
Kaylnn was a damn good kisser and she knew it. His hands were at her waist as he melted into her.

She broke away and gave him a little pat on the shoulder. "Off you go"

"Later" he said a little thickly, smugness painted all over his face.

When Kaylnn turned back to what she assumed was her little audience their expressions were something to remember.

"I had to give him a proper send off" she shrugged.

"Yeah we were just waiting for you to give him a slap on the ass on the way out." Dean jabbed, the words were light but something in his eyes stopped her for a moment and then it was gone.

"Shut up Winchester you've been back for two seconds and I-"

  "Guys I swear if you both do not shut it right now. I'm going to lock you out." Sam grumbled, already back between the two of them- to his annoyance.

Kaylnn felt for him though so she shut her mouth and walked in to the room giving him a nudge on the shoulder.
Sam felt a true semblance of relief, because when they got stuck in to an argument it usually only escalated. But he had to admit a part of him had missed their bickering, it reminded him of Dean and that he was here. Really here again.

"Yeah yeah just for tonight Sammy I'll shut it. It's your one coupon buddy."

Sams lips tugged up in a smile.

Dean made a noise of agreement. The closest the pair had come to a truce.


A/N: I just wanted to do the reunion, and then head straight into the series. In this book, ep 2 ("are you there god? It's me Dean Winchester") did happen and everything I just didn't have time to go back and refresh my memory so I'm going straight to ep 3.

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