Ep9 - "I know what you did last summer" pt2

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After dragging themselves, somehow, back to the motel room the trio can be seen patching up.

Dean is in the bathroom spitting up blood holding his arm close to his body in pain. Sam is through the doorway sewing closed an open wound. He hissed each time the needle pierces his skin. He leans back slightly on the bed controlling his breathing.

Kaylnn rinses her mouth out with water. Running her tongue over her teeth she double checks none are loose. That was one hell of a whack she'd gotten.

She hadn't bothered to patch up her elbows. She'd applied a strong plaster across the bridge of her nose aswell as stuffing tissues up it to stop the bleeding.

"Are you almost done?" Dean groaned to Sam.

"I'm going as fast as I can." Sam said wincing again.

"Good, 'cause you know I got a dislocated shoulder over here."

Dean picks up a whiskey bottle and gulps some down.

Kaylnn huffed and walked closer to the two. She touches her arm briefly to her elbow before reaching out and swiping the bottle from Dean.

"Gimme that." Sam says.

She shakes her head instead doing what she assumed he was about to. Sam was about to stopped her but she already slopped the liquid over the area.

"So, you lost the magic knife, huh?" Dean asked still holding onto his shoulder.

Sam hissed from the sterilisation. "Yeah, saving your ass. Who the hell was that demon?"

  "No one good. We got to find Anna. Come on dude, my shoulder is on fire right now."

"Oh! I cannot listen to your complaints anymore. Come here." Kaylnn snapped gesturing for him to let her fix it.

Dean looked at Sam then her. Sam was still touching up, so his brother wasn't an option.

Kaylnn was obviously not taking no for an answer.

"How do I know you're not just gonna break my arm completely?" He said suspiciously.

"You're just gonna have to trust me Winchester." She smiled.

"Sam are you seeing this." He points to her. "Like the Cheshire Cat over there."

Sam just rolled his eyes.

So Dean edged over to Kaylnn. He took a deep breath bracing himself. He felt her hands splay across his shoulder and the other grip his arm. Regardless of the pain he knew he was about to feel, he couldn't help but edge a little closer than strictly necessary.

"Ruby's got Anna. I'm sure she's okay." Sam said from the bed.

Kaylnn speaks as she grips Dean's shirt. "Right. You ready? I'm gonna go on three not after."

Dean nods. He counts down as she does.

"One... two..-" she cuts herself  off when she cracks the ligament back into place, she hears him let out a groan. Dean grits his teeth in pain and steps away to rotate his shoulder cautiously.

"You sure about Ruby, Sam? 'Cause I think it's just as likely she used us to find radio girl and then brought that demon in to kill us."

Sam shakes his head at Dean. "No, she took Anna to keep her safe."

Dean looks at Kaylnn the same question in his eyes. She shrugs, to be honest she didn't know where she stood with that demon. Dean rolled his eyes at her indecision.

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