Ep6 - Yellow Fever (Epilogue) pt3

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Bobby turns to the boys and Kaylnn, who are all leaning against the impala, in the middle of nowhere.

Each have a beer in their hands, they're just after recounting how Bobby and Sam took out Luther.

"So you guys road-hauled a ghost with a chain?" Dean asked.

"Iron chain etched with spell work." Sam clarified.

Kaylnn felt a smile lift her features, back to the usual dynamic then.
"Hmm..that's a new one."

"It was what he was most afraid of. It was pretty brutal, though." Nodded Sam.

"On the upside, I'm still alive, so uh, go team!" Dean said.

Kaylnn lifted the beer to her lips saying sarcastically "Hooray!"

Dean leaned across Sam's figure so the two could share the same look of mutual discontent.

"Yeah. How you feeling, by the way?" Sam asks.

"Fine, glad to know someone cares." He replied pointedly.

"You sure, Dean? 'Cause this line of work can get awful scary." Bobby said with a grin.

Kaylnn smirked.

"I'm fine. You want to go hunting? I'll hunt. I'll kill anything." Dean said gruffly.

"Awhh he's adorable." Kaylnn said to Sam who couldn't hide his laugh.

"Make sure to hold his hand now next time you see something really scary..like a cat!" Bobby nodded, sagely.

"You told him about that? Come on man." Dean sighed giving his brother a dig in the arm. Sam's eyes danced with amusement and Kaylnn snickered.

"I got to get out of here. Now you drive safe now." Bobby sat into his car and drove off after they gave their thanks.

Sam looked to Dean. "So uh...so, what did you see? Near the end, I mean."

"Oh, besides a cop beating my ass?" Dean remarked. "And uhh Kaylnn doing a botched job of a nurse...."

Dean avoided eye contact though, as if the insult distracted him by the memory of it.

"Seriously." Sam said firmly.

Kaylnn shifted on her feet. But as she glanced at Dean she saw the colour drain as he looked at Sam's face. His eyes. But immediately he cleared his throat and that glimpse of fear was gone.

"Howler monkeys. Whole roomful of them. Those things creep the hell out of me." Dean nodded.

"Right." Sam obviously didn't believe him. He was about to turn to Kaylnn to push when Dean spoke again.

"No, just the usual stuff, Sammy. Nothing I can't handle." Dean said confidently.

But Kaylnn had felt it, the true fear in his voice and body from before. How could she not? He'd been right on top of her.

She'd say it to Sam soon. But not now. It would spoil this moment, between the three in a rare harmony.

A/N: I know this was SUPER short but I am trying to be conscious of like ads and being able to keep your place on the story too yk. But I wanted to include this scene because it's just so nice between Sam and Dean and it also shows Kaylnns thoughts and stuff so yeh.

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