Ep4 - "Metamorphosis"

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"Dean..creeping around in the dark isn't gonna help anyone " Kaylnn whispered standing next to him at the fence as they watched Sam pull the demon from the man. The expression on his face was...a grim thing to behold.

Dean didn't acknowledge her as he brushed passed and walked in his shoulders set.
Kaylnn grumbled, but followed after him.

Dean entered the warehouse.

"So. Anything you wanna tell me Sam?" Dean said as he walked slowly towards his brother.

"Dean hold on okay? just let me explain" Sam began. His eyes darting to Kaylnn's. She avoided eye contact looking at the ceiling like it was the most fascinating thing right now.

"You're gonna explain this?"
"Why don't you start with who she is? And what the hell is she doing here?"

"Good to see you again Dean" Ruby said. A smile taunting her lips. "You too Kaylnn, it's been a minute." She winked.

Kaylnn just coughed and scratched something on the floor with her boot as Deans realisation hit on who was speaking to him.

"Is that Ruby?" He looked to Sam, who's silence was answer enough.

Suddenly Dean lunges slamming Ruby back against the fence. Sam dropped the man he'd been supporting and blocked the knife Dean had pulled from his coat. The knife capable of killing a demon.

Kaylnn just let out a huff and blew a strand of hair from her face. Cracking her neck she pulled Dean from Sam but not before Ruby could get a second wind and pin dean to the fence by the throat.

"Ruby stop it!" Sam said harshly. As his brother and Ruby maintained eye contact. She let go.

"Well aren't you an obedient little bitch?" Dean snarled. His voice a little raspy from the air being cut off.

Ruby leaned in eyes full of hate. She looked ready for another round.

Annoyance rippled through Kaylnn as she looked between the two.

"Shouldn't you be helping him" Kaylnn jerked her head towards the man discarded on the floor who was kneeling, and dazed.

After Dean had died...Kaylnn had stayed a month before family drama of her own had yanked her from Sam. She had met Ruby in this new body a month or so before Dean's return and she'd reunited with Sam. She didn't mind the demon, if Sam trusted her then so be it.

Kaylnn remained on good enough terms with her, but she didn't think she would ever fully trust her.

Ruby looked at Sam who gave her the smallest of nods and she knelt to help the man up.

Dean watched as she helped the man rise.
"The hell do you think you're going?"

"The ER, unless you wanna go another round first?" Ruby replied challenge in her eyes.

"I wouldn't object" Kaylnn shrugged.

Her statement was answered by a glare from Dean, but not just at her Sam aswell as he strode out after Ruby.


Back at the motel, Dean hadn't returned and she and Sam were arguing.

"You were supposed to keep him here Kaylnn!" Sam burst out. They were in the middle of an argument.

"What did you expect me to do? Chain him to the bed?!" Kaylnn snapped.

"He wasn't supposed to find out" Sam said shaking his head running a hand down his face. "I asked you to do one thing-"

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