Ep19 - "Jump the shark"

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The Winchesters plus Kaylnn are in the middle of nowhere. But as she opens up the trunk of the impala to change clothes, the girl's gotta admit the lake looks nice.

There's barely a breeze so the water is still. Fish fluttered just under the surface causing the odd ripple.

Sam is leans against the hood, brushing his teeth. He faces the body of water.

Dean had been lying across the front seat, he now sits up opening the door. He must've done it too quick though and almost fell right out.

Sam turns at the kerfuffle. "Hey. How'd you sleep?"

Dean climbs out of the car. "How do you think? I'm starving. Let's get breakfast."

"Where? We're like two hours from anything."

"But I'm hungry now."

Kaylnn raised her eyebrows. "Sheesh does baby need his bottle too" she said it in a baby voice from the back of the car.

The mocking tone irritated him to no end this early in the morning. He walked round the side of the car. Stopping suddenly when he catches sight of her.

Arms stretched over her head Kaylnn is tugging off the large t shirt she'd been wearing. Standing there in a black lacy bra, oblivious to his presence he knew he should turn away.

Kaylnn felt the shirt pop over her head and drag off her thick hair. It bounced free as she threw the item back into the trunk.

Dean's gaze must've roved a little too long though as the t Shirt suddenly came flying at him.

It made a thwack sound as it hit him in the face.

By the time he'd it pulled from his head she had a low cut grey top on. Striding towards him, she shoved him hard in the chest.

"Hey easy sweetheart I was just grabbing some clothes." He held up his hands as he explained his crappy excuse.

Clearly not believing him she gave him a kick in the shin before saying, annoyedly. "Yeah and I'm just real happy you found 'em. Hence the shoving."

If he was gonna bullshit, so was she.

Swearing filthy he hopped to the back of the car, grabbing some items from the trunk.

He hadn't been gone more than a couple minutes when he returned to inform Sam and Kaylnn he'd just gotten the most peculiar phone call.

"Yo we're going to Minnesota, get in."

Driving, Sam and Kaylnn got the explanation; a guy— Adam— had called asking for John. When Dean had told him he wasn't available Adam had confessed that he was John's son.

Needing to find out more they'd took to the road. Both brothers reactions to this news had been as she'd expected. Dean smelled bull but Sam...Sam was thoughtful.

And knowing John Winchester there was always secrets.


The two Winchesters are now sitting in the red window booth of Cousin Oliver's Hilltop Cafe.

On the drive Sam had found that it looked like Adam Milligan really was who he said. There had been no father listed on his birth cert. He attended the University of Wisconsin and was an Eagle Scout.

But Dean suspected a trap. Hence the holy water in the glass in front of them, and now, silver cutlery by the sides. Dean had come prepared.

"Look, either way, this thing is gonna bleed. I mean, using Dad as bait? That's the last mistake of its short, pitiful life." Dean said, he sounded irritated as he looked out the window.

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