Ep21 - "When the Levee breaks"

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After the whole ordeal with Castiel and the body he was inhibiting— Jimmy— Kaylnn thought she'd be more used to people pleading for help.

Locking Sam up still felt horrible.

"Killing Lilith is what matters. Or are you so busy being self-righteous you forgot about her?" His words fly out. Sam's gone through six different emotions already and he's now reached angry.

Dean looked at Kaylnn. They were both standing on the other side of Bobby's demon panic room. But then his eyes went hard and he spoke at the door. "Oh, Lilith's gonna die. We'll kill her. But not with you."

"You're not serious. Who's ganging up on who now?" Sam challenged.

"Congrats, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse." Dean said going to shut the window cover.

Sam saw his motions and started to plead. "Dean, look—no, wait—"

Too late. The bolt drove home and metal slammed on metal shut.


Even from Bobby's living room the muffled shouts of Sam in the basement could be heard.

Kaylnn sat down heavily on one of the armchairs. "How long is this gonna go on?"

"Here, let me look it up in my demon-detox manual." Bobby paused exasperated. "Oh wait. No one ever wrote one. No telling how long it'll take. Hell, or if Sam will even live through it."

Kaylnn held up her hands in defence.

The phone rings. Bobby sighs and answers.
"Hello." A beat passed. "...Suck dirt and die, Rufus. You call me again, I'll kill you."

Dean indicated to Bobby from across the carpet. "What's up with Rufus?"

"He knows."

The phone rings agains.

This time, Bobby looks even more annoyed. "I'm busy, you son of a bitch. This better be important."

Bringing a hand to his beard he looks to the other two. "The news. The news ain't good."

Dean spoke up. "This is what Rufus called about? 'Key West sees ten species go extinct'."

"Yep. Plus Alaska. Fifteen-man fishing crew all stricken blind, cause unknown. New York, teacher goes postal, locks the door, kills exactly sixty-six kids. All this in a single day. I looked them up. There's no doubt about it. They're all seals. Breaking. Fast."

"How many are left?" Kaylnn asked.

Bobby raised his scruffy brows. "Who knows? Can't be many. Where the hell are your angel pals?"

Kaylnn had to mask the sickening, jarring, thought that had flew into her head. For one horrible moment she thought he'd meant....

"You tell me." Dean shrugged and took a swig from his glass of whiskey.

But Bobby already looks thoughtful. "I'm just wondering."

"What?" The girl asked, swallowing her shock.

"The apocalypse being nigh and all...is now really the right time to be having this little domestic drama of ours?"

"What do you mean?" Dean questioned.

"Well, I don't like this any more than you do, but Sam can kill demons. He's got a shot at stopping Armageddon."

She knew Dean wouldn't like that.

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