Ep14 - "Sex and Violence"

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~ lil disclaimer from me! I changed the FBI Agent/Siren from Nick Munroe to Nicola. For the angst ppl. And for the jealousy and YK YK. Anyways sorry for the lil spoiler (i over explain) ~

In the hospital Kaylnn had opted to go for a coffee instead of sitting in with Sam and the doctor.

She'd just rounded the corner when she caught the tail end of the conversation.

"By the way...try a greasy breakfast. Best thing for a hangover." Sam leaned into the office door to offer a smile, before turning to leave.

They walked as a group down the white and grey hall.

Dean looked at Sam. "Dude, you totally C-blocked me!"

Sam didn't looked too bothered.
"So Whylie and Snyder totally fessed up, huh?"

"One emptied his IRA, the other, his kids' college fund, all on the same day." Dean replied a little grumpily.

"Live nude girls?" Asked Sam.

Dean nodded. "A club called 'The Honey Wagon'."

"These guys have affairs too, with a stripper also known as Jasmine?" Kaylnn spoke this time, she'd been quiet up till now.

Dean glanced back at her. "Yes and no. This is where it gets interesting. Each guy hooked up with a different chick."

"So, what? These girls all connected somehow?"

"Well, they all described their stripper in the same way, the exact same way. Perfect, and everything that they wanted." Dean explained.

"Yeah, at least until dream Barbie convinced them to murder their wives." Kaylnn remarked.

"There's that."

Sam spoke up. "You know, it's almost like they were under some kinda love spell."

"Sure seems that way."

"Which caused them to become totally psychotic."

Dean nodded a little enthusiastically. "Absolutely."

The group was approaching the car now and Sam opened the passenger door.

"You seem pretty cheery." Kaylnn said narrowing her eyes.

"Strippers." Dean smiled, she hated him. Then he smiled wider at her scowl and repeated it. "Strippers. We're on an actual case involving strippers."

Dean and Sam sat into the car. Kaylnn slipped into the backseat.

"Yeah, yeah, one track mind kinda guy. Forgot about that." She rolled her eyes as Dean pulled away from the kerb.


Night had descended and they were at the strip club— 'The Honey Wagon'.

'Thunder Kiss '65' by White Zombie is playing. and Dean has gone to speak to the manager.

Kaylnn has her elbows resting against a table, Sam towered next to her. He kept an eye on the scene before them.

Skinny, dazzling girls danced on poles at runways and tables. They're outfits leaving nothing to the imagination.

Kaylnn allowed herself to look at them, scanning for signs of being enticed through a siren song. But all of the men before them were already whipped. It was hard to tell what could be a result of magic or just lust.

Just then Dean appears.

"Any luck?" Sam asks.

"No. You?"

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