Ep7 - "It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester"

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Sam is questioning Mrs Wallace on the razors found both in her husband and on the floor of the kitchen where he died.

Dean and Kaylnn are having a search around said kitchen for anything suspicious. Dean scours the counter top as Kaylnn walks to the fridge.
She notices a mark on the floor by it and nods to Dean.

"More than you might imagine." Sam tells the grieving woman, just as Dean fishes a hex bag out from behind the fridge. He and Kaylnn catch Sam's attention as he looks past the woman to them, understanding what it is.

"Mrs. Wallace, did Luke have any enemies?"


"Anyone who might have held a grudge against him?"

"What do you mean?" Mrs Wallace asks.

"Co-workers? Neighbors? Maybe a woman."

Mrs Wallace's expression turns offended
"Are you suggesting an affair?"

"Is it possible?"

"No! No, Luke would never-"

Kaylnn huffs at her quietly, the questioning always got stretched out by something.

"I'm very sorry. We just have to consider all possibilities."

"If someone wanted to kill my husband, don't you think they'd find a better way than a razor in a piece of candy he might eat?"

Couldn't anyone just answer a question straightforward anymore? God.


Back at the motel room Sam is sitting on a couch, with his laptop and a few books.
Kaylnn is reading some documents on the coffee table in front of him.

He picks up something from the hex bag that looks organic, and holds it up. Kaylnn is just about to ask what piqued his interest when Dean walks in.

Dean tosses his keys on the table under the window, and unwraps a piece of candy before popping it in his mouth.

Kaylnn made a face, remembering what had happened to the recent victim.

"Really? After that guy choked down all those razor blades?" Sam says raising his eyebrows.

Dean just responds with "It's Halloween man." With a shrug.

"For us, every day is Halloween." Kaylnn says nodding at Sam.

Dean sits down on the arm of the couch between Kaylnns chair and where Sam is sitting.
"Don't be a downer Kaylnn, anything interesting?"

Kaylnn gives him a dig in the arm.

"Well, we're on a witch hunt, that's for sure, but this isn't your typical hex bag." Sam says.

Sam points to the hex bag, now open to reveal what is within, on the table.
Even Kaylnn had noticed the contents had been rare even for witch stuff.

"Hmm, no?" Prompted Dean.

Sam picks up the dried looking flower piece.
"Goldthread, a herb that's been extinct for two hundred years. And this –" He picks up the silver piece. "Is Celtic, and I don't mean some new age knock-off. It looks like the real deal, like 600 years old real."

Kaylnn gives a sideways glance, these items were definitely rare.

Dean picks up the third thing, a small charred bone bringing it to his nose to sniff.

Kaylnn smirks "and that, if I'm correct, is the charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby."

"Ugh." Dean puts down the bone, a look of disgust on his face. "Gross."

The Knife That Twists | Dean Winchester x OC Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora