Ep3 - "In the beginning"

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Kaylnn was awoken by Sam tugging at her shoulder.
"Mmfff sammwhafareyoudoinhgf" it came out muffled but she hadn't much effort to correct it when she was being woken in the middle of the night.

"I'm going out." He whisper hissed.

She perked up at that, cracking open her eyelids.
"Sam." Her tone was flat, with a hint of annoyance.

"It's just with Ruby we'll be quick, just...if Dean wakes up...cover for me yeah?" Sam was already edging quietly towards the door.

Kaylnn sat up, hair falling over her shoulders a glare on her face. "Sam."

"I hate when you do that." He sighed.

"And I hate when you lie to people Sam, you-"

But he was already out the door.

Ugh she wanted to scream, Sam could be so frustrating sometimes. Scratch that most of the time. But she would not try to control him.

Not the way his father had tried to and from what Sam had told her ...she had never liked that man. Even when she'd met him a couple years back, she'd remained polite but it had bordered on outright hostility. Which of course had gone over like a dream with Dean. Not like it meant the fighting had gotten even worse between Dean defending John and Kaylnn letting out constant snide remarks.
Nope not at all.

Rolling her eyes she flopped back down onto the bed. Turning over she faced Dean, the moonlight streamed through the window painting his face in silver. Ironically with all this angel talk he looked almost like one here- ew no it's Dean we're thinking of here, stop that.

And yet she allowed her eyes to follow the curve of his shoulder and settle upon the glint on his chest where the talisman Sam had gotten him all those years ago rested.

Kaylnn huffed and turned over, forcing herself to look at the wall. Shit.


Dean felt the flashes behind his eyes once, twice, awake. The memories of hell, ringing like a distant bell in his head as a figure came into his range of focus.

Castiel spoke to Dean telling him he needed to stop something from happening. Cryptic as usual then.

He was just about to wake Sam or even Kaylnn before Castiel pressed two fingers to his forehead and he was transported back in time.


Kaylnn woke again to Dean dragging her from the bed. His arms wrapped around her middle as he dumped her unceremoniously on the floor. She tried to protest but it was to no avail. He was pissed.

"Dean you motherfu-"

"Shut your mouth right now before you loose the teeth inside it. Get up we're getting Sam. Now." He began putting on his coat as he loaded a gun.

"Sam? Oh he's just gone out to the bathroom Dean you-"

"Save it Castiel just told me where he is. Don't bother lying either you just proved you were in on whatever midnight errand this is. Get up."

It was only then Kaylnn looked up to the man in the tan coat standing in the room. He looked down at her on the floor. So this was the angel? He looked...normal. Kaylnn had expected...at least something..wings? A halo? She just hadn't considered the fact he would look....ordinary.

And Kaylnn could have sworn she saw a glint in his eye as he offered her a hand to get up. But it vanished as soon as she was standing and he turned to Dean.

A grim tone emanated from his voice, his stance.

"Your brother is headed down a dangerous road Dean, and we're not sure where leads so stop it, or we will"

A/N: Freaking short af chapters ik but these are just the start ups, so hopefully the next will be a bit more juiCY.

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