You're my everything

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I regain consciousness in a hospital bed and when my eyes opened, the first thing I thought about was Becky.

I was not in a good shape but I still wanted to talk to her. I insisted to be given my phone with which I called Becky but her number was switched off.

I call her parents in Bangkok pleading with them to let me talk to Becky but even they had no idea where Becky was.

I was informed that I had been unconscious for four days and within these 4 days, nobody has heard from Becky.

Nobody have seen Becky and nobody had any idea whatsoever of where Becky might be.

I got scared and worried. Even though I was the one in a hospital bed critically wounded, Becky was all I could think about.

I wanted to run out in search of Becky but I couldn't. I felt weak and all I could do was cry and cry and cry my eyes and my heart out.


It's been a month and still nobody have heard from Becky. I was really worried thinking about what must have happened to her.

"Hello! Hello...!!! Who's on the line?" was what I said when the nurse gave me the phone saying that there was a call intended for me.

The person at the other end of the line didn't say anything and just hung up the phone.

"Who was that just now on the phone?" I asked the nurse.

It's a person claiming to be Rebecca Armstrong."  the nurse replied

There have been many prank calls over the month. It was known across the globe that Becky was missing.

So many people kept prank calling me through the hospital's landline because obviously they don't have my phone number.

But why does this call feel different from the rest. I just had this feeling inside of me that this call was actually from Becky.

I asked the nurse to give the number to me and then I realized that the number wasn't a Thai number.

I googled the number, and it turned out to be the number of a phone Booth somewhere in South Korea.

Was she in South Korea? and how can I get back to her since she called through a phone Booth used by everybody.

I was supposed to be discharged from the hospital in two weeks time but I couldn't wait.

I wanted to go look for Becky and so I told the nurse to prepare my discharge papers for the following day.

My mom asked me to stay because even after my discharge, I was advised to have bed rest for at least a month because I wasn't strong enough.

But I wouldn't listen. I wanted to  go search for Becky and now that it is confirmed that she is in South Korea, I want to go there in search for her.

I want to go look for the love of my life because she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

The next morning, while the papers for my discharge were being processed, the nurse brought in a call again telling me that it was from that "Rebecca Armstrong" person.

I quickly picked the call and said

"Becky! Becky!!  Is that you?  But the person on the other end of the line kept quiet.

Please talk to me. Please respond. I really miss you and I really want to hear your voice.

Are you okay? Are you in South Korea?  Please talk to me. Tell me where you are and I promise I'll come get you.

Freen&Becky (I need you more than I want to) S2Where stories live. Discover now