The little Miss trouble (part one)

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It was a bit tough for me after what happened during the engagement party.

I understood why Freeny had to go to South Korea. Suzy needed her. But I needed her too and she chose Suzy over me.

The posts, videos and comments about our engagement party was all over social media.

And Freeny never commented and cleared up the air about what happened that day. She just kept quiet about it.

She can easily tell everyone that something urgent came up and so she had to leave the country but she just kept quiet.

And when I asked her why she wasn't saying anything, she told me that given any comments about what happened will just make the situation worse.

"Sometimes silence is the best answer and the best solution to a problem" she said

I didn't want to bother her too much about it because her plate was full with Suzy.

The little girl was sad and always quiet. She hardly spoke to anyone and just kept yourself.

She was hurting real bad and no matter what Freeny did, Suzy just didn't want the assistance.

She was a little bit open the first two days of arrival but after that, she just drifted into her little hole and stayed there and matter what Freeny did, she won't come out of it.

I didn't want to concern myself too much with Suzy. I mean, I was dealing with my own shit.

But seeing as Freeny was suffering because of Suzy, I decided to help her out.

Freeny did everything possible to make Suzy feel at home or even talk but she won't budge.

Sometimes she cries, sometimes she screamed waking from nightmares but still won't talk to Freeny about it.

Freeny was frustrated. Sometimes she couldn't hold it In but let the tears roll down for not been able to fulfill her promise to Mrs Yeol.

She felt like she was failing at being a parent.

She didn't know what else to do. She probably thought taking care of a kid was easy.

But for you to take care of a kid, you have to be both a kid and an adult. You have to understand them and the only way to understand them, is to be them.

Suzy grew more distant from Freeny with each passing day.

It was worse with Mrs Anong. Suzy didn't know Mrs Anong and so she couldn't relate.

I decided to put aside the issues I was having with Freeny and get closer to Suzy to help them out.

But even I could not get through to her. Mostly because the kid knew that I was only doing it for Freeny and Mrs Anong and not because of her.

The kid gave us sleepless nights. The screaming, crying and nightmares we're getting even worse but Suzy still won't tell anybody what was going on with her.

We took her site seeing, shopping and we bought her every gift possible but she still didn't talk to anybody about what was going on with her.

About a week after arrival she started exhibiting this habit of being scared.

She cried when Freeny touched her. She cried when we talked to her, she cried when we got her food, she cried when Freeny makes her bed, she cried for no good reason.

And the crying wasn't because she was sad. it was because she was scared.

She was scared of us. As if we were going to hurt her. And no matter the reassurance she got from us, she still remain like that.

Her behaviour was becoming worse with each passing day and the more the day breaks, the more she gets a new unhealthy habit.

Freeny was getting more and more frustrated. I could see how stressed out she was over Suzy.

All she wants to do is help the little girl but Suzy wasn't ready to open up.

I mean we just got engaged and instead of celebrating with my fiance, we were going through family drama with a little kid.

This is the reason why I didn't want a kid this early. I mean, I'm not against having kids.

But I wanted it to be just "US" for a while. At least for a year or two before kids came along.

But Suzy came and there was nothing anybody could have done about it. No one planned for death but after the death of Suzy's mother, she had no one else.

Freeny was the one listed as her guidian so Freeny had to take her in. but Suzy is putting my baby girl under stress. And it was hurting me.

One night, when everybody was asleep, I went downstairs to drink water and on my way coming back, I heard noises coming from Suzy's room.

I rushed to check on her scared that she must be frightened about something but when I got there she was playing.

She was laughing playing and busy jotting things down. She has never been this happy since she came to the house so I wondered what changed a mood.

I stood there peeping from a little hole In her door when suddenly she close the diary and hid it in a secret place inside her room.

She went to bed and started screaming and crying like she usually does.

She was happy just now so what changed your mood? What made her Just start screaming?

We all thought the screaming were because of the nightmares she was having but she actually wasn't asleep so why is she screaming.

I was confused. I didn't know what was happening.

Was she sleepwalking? She should be asleep but I just saw her awake so why is she screaming as if she had a nightmare.

Was she illusinating about her mother and that was why she was laughing and being all happy?

She was screaming and crying and so Freeny ran to her. I was still there but I left the door and hid in one corner when I noticed Freeny and Mrs Anong running towards Suzy.

They got into the room and started petting her. Patting her back and hugging her but she didn't say a word as usual.

I waited for like 3 minutes and then also walked into the room and saw her crying.

Wait... has she been pretending this whole time? Just stressing everybody out and lying about everything.

I am really really confused but I didn't know what or how to go about what I just saw.

I needed to know what she was writing in the diary so as to know what is actually going on in the house.

To be continued....

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