Why the sexual absence??

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Becky won't let me touch her. She looks for whatever reason to avoid having sex with me.

She makes up silly excuses to avoid any action that could lead to sex and she avoid talking to me about it.

I knew that something was going on with her but I didn't want to push her into telling me.

Becky is the one who mostly instigated sex between us. She asked for it even when it's not on my mind but after we became girlfriends again, she has been avoiding sex with me.

I didn't want to push her into telling me. I wanted her to tell me the reason for her sexual absence when she was ready, but it's been two months and she still isn't willing to talk.

Does she hate me or gets irritated by my touch? Is there something I did that is making her sexually distant?

She said it was because of what I did with Kao, but even before she knew about Kao and I, she had been distant.

Maybe it's not because of me. Maybe she's avoiding sex because of herself. Maybe she did something or didn't do something.

I don't know what was going on with her and so I decided to talk to her about it.

I won't let lack of communication come between us again.

It's been over two months so I decided to talk to Becky. We weren't home when I made up my mind to talk things through with Becky.

I was on set, in the filming site of "WHAT IS WRONG IS RIGHT." It was quiet busy but I was done shooting so I just took her to a quiet place to talk to her.

"Becky, I've been meaning to talk to you about something. I don't know if this will make me look like a jerk but... Are we okay?" I asked her but she looked at me with confusion written allover her face.

I didn't know how to approach the situation.

"What do you mean by that?" Becky asked

"I mean are we okay sexually? You seem to be distant when the issue of sex is raised.  Are you irritated to have sex with me or something?" I asked in curious and concern.

"What??? Of course not. Why would you think like that. And why would you even say that?" Becky asked being puzzled by my statement and so I explained to her saying;

"Because it's been two months, three weeks and two days now since we got back together and you still don't want to have sex with me.

You always bring up excuses whenever I want to do it with you, so I just don't know what to think anymore."

Becky replied saying;

"First of all, I just didn't want to rush into sex with you. I wanted us to heal first and now that we've healed up all old wounds, of course we can do it.

The last time, I was sincere when I said it was because of "the thing with Kao" but now it's over soooo..... We can do it.

And secondly, are you counting the amount of days that we haven't had sex? That somewhat sweet and creepy and a little desperate." Becky said laughing trying to lift up my spirit

"I wasn't counting the days that we haven't had sex. I just know the amount of days that we've been back together for, that's all." I said in my defense

Why don't we go home right now? " I asked her

"I mean I'm done shooting my part for the day. Soo......" I continued

"Talk about desperate Freeny. We will still get home eventually so why hurry home now. Let's stay for a while before leaving."  Becky said

As usual, she was indirectly avoiding sex with me again. But we will eventually get home like she said.

And when we get home, I'll see if she'll bring up another excuse or not.

I kissed her and went back to hang out with Kao and the rest of the film crew.

Becky looked for every means possible to keep me in the filming site until it was dark.

She knew that there was no other excuse that can be used to keep me there any longer so she accepted defeat and let me drive us home.

When we got home, my mother wasn't around and I was happy about that because Becky might want to used that as an excuse but unfortunately for her and fortunately for me, my mother spent the night at a friend's place.

Becky had no excuse this time. And so we both locked the front door and went upstairs to my room.

Immediately we got into the room, I drew her in for a kiss and during our kiss, she pulled away and said she wanted to freshen up first.

Of course another excuse but I didn't say anything. She would eventually come out of the restroom though.

So I laid down on the bed and waited for her but then I quickly realized that she could come out of the restroom and asked me to go freshen up too.

And when I go into the restroom to freshen up, she'd quickly pretend to be really tired and fast asleep.

So I rushed into the other bathroom and quickly freshen up and returned to the bedroom, waiting for her.

It wasn't really about the sex. Becky was hiding something and I think it might affect our relationship so I wanted her to share it with me.

Something was wrong. Something isn't right and she's keeping it from me.

But when she runs out of excuses, she would definitely have to tell me and today is that day that all her excuses will be exhausted.

We should communicate properly as a couple so as to avoid unnecessary problem.

To be continued...

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