What could this mean?

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I went to the hotel where they lodged to talk to them. I can't trust a word they say but just as Freeny said, I needed to keep them close to know their plan.

I walked straight to their room in the hotel and knocked on the door. David came to open the door.

They were really nervous. I have never seen them this nervous before, just because of me.

I felt pity for them but then something within me convinced me again that it was all just an act. They clearly told me that they'll never allow me to be happy with Freeny.

I dislike them for that and I'll  never trust them even though they are my blood.

"Hurry up, speak. Tell me what you want to tell me so that I can be on my Merry way.

But you should know that no matter what you say or do, I'll never forgive you for everything that you've done to me. And I will never trust you no matter what you say to me now."

I assured them and then my mother said;

"Becky we're really sorry. The truth is that you have always obeyed us. You never go against what we say until Freen came along.

You always listened to your brother and you put him first. Always being selfless but then Freen came.

You refuse to listen to what we had to say about her. You protected and defended her, even going against your family all because of her.

You even fell in love with Freen even though you knew that David also has feelings for her.

Which is unlike you. You always put him first but when it came to Freen, you wanted her all to yourself and that made your brother angry.

But Becky we're really sorry. We know how much we've hurt you. I can't even sleep at night thinking about all the things I did to my own daughter.

I can't help but hate myself for all the pain and suffering you had to go through all because I was playing favourite.

I shouldn't have made you feel like I was picking sides. I shouldn't I've made you feel like I hated you. I shouldn't made you feel like you were a mistake of a child to me.

I should have supported you and I should have been happy for your choices especially since they make you happy and they are right not wrong." My mother said.

She sounded convincing but I wasn't falling for it.

"Is that all? Can I go now?" I asked

"It's been nice knowing you all. Now please go back to Bangkok and leave me alone" I said.

I hated them but why do I feel like hugging them. I've missed them alot but I can still remember all the pain they inflicted on me.

They were willing to hurt me just to get what they want. They've impose their will on me all my life and I never complained.

The first time I complained was the end of the loving and caring family that I knew.

The tears were settling down on the bottom of my eye but I controlled myself.

If I let a tear fall, they'd win so I just turned to leave.

"They were just trying to protect me. They didn't want to hurt my feelings. That is why mom wanted you to break up with Freen.

It's true that I love Freen but that was not the reason for my actions. You were the reason for my actions.

Becky I'm jealous of you. Since we were kids, you've always looked up to me.

You were proud of being my little sister but I grew up to become a total failure while you excel in everything you do.

When we were little, I wanted to be an actor so you also decided to be an actor. I went for many interviews but was never selected.

I did all I could to get idol factory to recognize my talent but they never noticed me.

But just one try from you, and you were accepted. We all celebrated your victory and I was sincerely happy for you but I was ashamed of myself.

Gradually, my little sister was becoming better than me. She use to look up to me but soon that will change.

I used to be her source of inspiration but all of that will change because she's making money and gradually moving up to fame but I wasn't good enough.

I became jealous and as the day went by and your progress increased, my jealousy just increased more.

Soon, Freen came along. Your fame from "GAP THE SERIES" was immensely great and so I decided to date Freen.

If she becomes my girlfriend, you'll see me as that elder brother that you were proud of because I was dating a big celebrity also.

And so I tried everything humanly possible to make Freen fall for me but she didn't.

Soon I started noticing that she wasn't just having friendly feelings towards you, she was having romantic feelings also.

I couldn't believe that she was into you and not me. What could you possibly have to offer her that I couldn't give her double?

I tried turning the boat around by keeping the both of you apart and making it clear to you that I liked Freen.

But instead of you to try and bring Freen and I together, you were separating us because you also have feelings for her.

You have always given me what I want and when you refused, I became more angry.

Freen chose you over me without even flinching. Yet again I lost to you, my little sister. I couldn't bear it.

Boys were always hovering around you to date you and girls did same but the only one I wanted, only wanted you.

I still wasn't good enough. I wasn't as good as the legendary REBECCA PATRICIA ARMSTRONG.

if you always get what I want, you'll never be proud of me and so I tried to break the both of you up so that you'll know that I'm more powerful than you.

But when I saw Freen proposing to you on stage and how happy you were, I realized that I was going about it the wrong way.

You've always been proud of me. It wasn't because of achievement but because I supported you.

Becky I'm sorry. I'm really sorry please forgive us and give us a second chance to make things right.

We'll stand by your side the whole way and support you." David pleaded with his knees on the floor for me.

At this point the tears already came rolling down. Not just mine but that of my father, mother and brother.

I hurried out of the hotel room into the streets as I cried some more remember everything that they've done to me just to keep me away from Freeny.

I went back home really confused. Should I forgive them or should I just continue living my life without them in it.

Are they even being sincere or they're just scheming to get Freeny out of my life again?

What exactly does this all mean????

To be continued...

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Freen&Becky (I need you more than I want to) S2Where stories live. Discover now