That enemy closest to me (part one)

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Freeny rushed out of the bed and hugged me tightly. She was really scared and shaken by what almost happened with David.

I came just in time. If I had come even a minute later, David would have successfully forced himself on Freeny.

I can't believe it. So David is this wicked and heartless. My own brother was so evil that he tried to forcefully have sex with my girlfriend.

David was still unconscious when my mom and dad rushed into the room. My mother started screaming.

She rushed to David and tried waking him up, but he didn't respond.

"Call the doctor quickly" she said

"What happened here Freen? What happened to David? David please wake up" my mother cried out.

I picked up my phone and went ahead to call the police. David deserves to go to prison and not the hospital.

"Why are you calling the police? Freen what happened? What did you do to my son?" My mom thundered.

She thought Freeny was the one who hurt David. She grabbed Freeny by the collar accusing Freeny of hurting her son and bringing chaos to our family.

With everything going on, Freeny was just too scared and in shock to reply or retaliate.

She just fell to the floor crying.

Just when I thought my family had come to love Freeny, David has destroyed everything we have been building.

I prayed and hoped so badly that Freeny was wrong about David.

When she told me that she felt unsafe around David and that he could hurt her, I didn't want to believe her.

I didn't want to believe that my brother, who supported me and inspired me all my life was a monster who is capable of rape.

But I also knew Freeny and I trust my girlfriend.

With everything that happened in our family after Freeny became my girlfriend, I can't put anything passed David and my mother.

And so when Freeny told me about David, I told her that I didn't believe her but deep inside, I knew that she wasn't lying.

After all, David was once in love with Freeny. What is to say that he is still not obsessed with her.

I made Freeny believe that I didn't trust a word she said but I kept a close watch on David.

And just as she said, I started seeing that David had rotten thoughts about Freeny.

Mom told me that I'd go with her to the supermarket but I totally forgot about it and forgot to tell Freeny about it either.

My father came to remind me early in the morning and I just got ready and left with him and my mother.

The ladies couldn't drive so my dad was the one driving us to pick up groceries from the supermarket.

We all left, leaving David and Freeny alone at home.

David was in the sitting room when we left while Freeny was still fast asleep and so I didn't want to wake her up and tell her that I was stepping out for a while.

While driving to the supermarket, I felt unease. I wasn't comfortable but I buried it until we got to the supermarket.

I wondered why I was restless and then it dawned on me that i left my girlfriend at home alone with a predator.

When I came to this realization,  I rushed out of the supermarket and begged my father to drive me back home.

"But we just got to the supermarket. We haven't even gotten half of the things we need. Let's just finish shopping before going home." My mom said.

But I didn't want to waste even a second more in the supermarket.

"Can you at least tell me why you're rushing back home?" My mom questioned but I wasn't even listening to a word she was saying.

I jumped into the car "daddy please take me back home immediately" I said while bringing out my phone to call Freeny.

She wasn't picking up which just made me more scared.

Because of the way I was acting, my parents hurried into the car and my dad, as per my request, drove speedingly back to the house.

I rushed out of the car, into the house and from downstairs, I could hear Freeny screaming.

My heart skipped a bit. I started shaking as my brain calculated what could be happening in that room at that moment.

I rushed to David's room and picked up his baseball bat and rushed into my room.

I saw my brother on top of my girlfriend, trying to take off her clothes and forced himself on her.

Out of reflex, I hit him with the baseball bat and he fell to the bed unconscious.

Within minutes, David regained consciousness and soon after, the police arrived.

I explained everything to them and demanded that David be arrested but David denied everything and my parents backed him up.

Even though Freeny and I explained everything that happened with David to my parents, they still didn't want their son to go to prison or endure public humiliation.

Are they being serious? David just tried to rape my girlfriend and they're letting him off?

I wasn't going to stand for it. I'll fight to see David in jail, if that's the last thing I do.

The police left since three out of the five people in the house claimed that David never attempted to rape Freeny.

But I wasn't going to stop there. I'd get a lawyer and sue David to court.

He must pay for what he did.

My parents tried to talk me out of it but I wouldn't listen to what they had to say.

Freeny didn't care about getting justice. She just wanted to go back to Chidlom.

I tried to convince her that we should stay back and fight but she told me that it wasn't worth it because David wasn't the mastermind of the rape.

"David was only following the orders of someone else" Freeny said

Really?? Who could that be that will instruct David to rape Freeny?

To be continued...

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