Believe him

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Freeny and I stayed together in Bangkok.

I wanted to start all over again. Get my parents blessing to date Freeny and also forget about all the drama especially KAO CAMPEN.

Two weeks into Freeny coming to stay with me and my family in Bangkok, she started giving silly excuses to go back to Chidlom.

I stayed with her in Chidlom for months and now after being with my family for just two weeks, she was looking for an excuse to leave.

Both of our families were against us at first but when Mrs Anong accepted me, I totally became part of their family.

But Freeny is rejecting my family now even though they have totally accepted her.

She was making up excuses to return to Chidlom but I know that she wasn't comfortable living with my family.

From everything I've seen, they were nice to her. So why was she not comfortable staying with my family.

For the past few days, she always went shopping, staying out late and sometimes even sleeping in hotels just to avoid being under the same roof with my family.

She did it again but this will be the last time. I woke up in the morning and she wasn't in bed with me.

I called her and she said she just wanted to jog round the block to clear her head but I never saw her again until the next day.

I was fed up with the lies and excuses and I was really angry with her when she returned that day.

I dragged her into my room and let out everything that I've been bottling inside.

"Where are you coming from Freeny? You left this house yesterday morning and you're just returning now.

You've been really distant from my family.

You're the one who accepted to stay with me in Bangkok.

I didn't force you to stay. So why are you avoiding my family and always insisting that we return to Chidlom?

My family haven't done anything wrong to you. So why? Why are you keeping them at arm's length?" I said trying to comprehend the reason for her distance

"Becky I'm not keeping your family at arm's length and I don't hate them. I just ran into a friend of mine so I was just catching up with her." She said repeating that same excuse as always.

"Oh really??? You seem to always be running into your friends lately.

Freeny, I'm not stupid. You've been really distant from me and my family.

I get it that my family hated you once but they've changed. I mean they love you now.

I know my mom is not really okay with it but she's gradually coming around right?

So why can't you accept them. And why are you drifting away from me also.

What did I do that is making you not to confined in me like you always did before?

Remember, you can tell me anything, absolutely anything at all. We lovers right?" I said pleading with my girlfriend to let me into her world.

"Becky, I can't tell you what's going on with me. You'll get hurt by it. Freeny said trying to plead with me not to push further.

Her statement just made me even more convinced that something was really going on with her.

"How can you tell me to ignore whatever is going on. I can tell that you're been eaten from inside out.

We're lovers and we're supposed to tell each other everything. Both the good and the bad.

Freeny please tell me what going on with you. Let's look for a solution together. I tried convincing her to tell me what's going on but she still refused.

She said I won't believe her if she told me what's on her mind. Or even if I did, I'll still get hurt.

"Freeny come-on just tell me. It's hurting me more now because you don't trust me and you're keeping secrets from me."

"Fine. I'll tell you Becky. But you can't tell anyone else okay??? Freeny requested

"YES! I promise I won't tell anyone"

"Okay. It's about David." She said and just kept quiet afterwards.

"What about David? Freeny tell me what David did." I said becoming more restless to know what was going on.

"I don't know how to put this to make it less despicable but I think his intentions towards me are not pure.

What are you trying to say Freeny. What do you mean by "his intentions are not pure"? Freeny, please answer me."

"I always see him staring at me. In a lustful way. Becky, there's no better way to say this.  Your brother is a pervert.

I don't feel comfortable around him. Sometimes I feel like he could and wants do something to hurt me." Freeny explained.

I looked at her for a while speechless,  in disappointment. Is she for real?

"Really? Out of all the excuses in the world, you decided to paint my brother as a monster just to go back to Chidlom?

Freeny, I can't believe you could go this far just to get what you want.

You know what, if you feel unsafe around my brother, you can just leave but never ever paint my brother as a monster because I know David and he'll never try to force himself on anyone. Especially not on his little sister's girlfriend.

Freeny just leave okay. I don't want to see you right now.

I'll never believe you so just leave." I pushed her to leave but she tried explaining more.

"Becky I'm not lying to you and It's not an excuse either. It's fine if you don't believe me but don't ask me to leave please." She said trying to apologize.

Freeny please leave. I just want to be left alone with my thoughts so please leave me alone.

I told Freeny to leave and she did. She's accusing my brother of trying to forcefully have sex with her.

Really?? rape?? David???

David can't do that not even to a stranger. He's my brother and I've known him all my life.

David is a good person. Freeny is the one imagining things that are not there.

It can't be true right??? My brother can't really be having lustful thoughts and wet dreams about my girlfriend right?

To be continued....

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