Our little Miss Sunshine

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Freeny was extra nice to me. She did everything I asked of her and I mean everything.

She took me out, bought me gifts, took me to the movies and even picnics. All just to make me forgive her for her wrong doings.

Suzy mostly stayed at home or went out with Mrs Anong while we had couple's night out.

She was getting to know each and every one of us gradually.

Everything was going smoothly for our relationship and Suzy was also adapting to her new environment also.

Suzy is a drama queen. She said she wants to be an actress just like Freeny and I.

She has the talent and with two great actresses by her side, her dreams were already half fulfilled.

Suzy's company was filled with fun. She told story and made us laugh most evenings at home.

Okay,I know that I said I didn't want kids early but I take that back. This kid is fire.

She brings out fun from the word fun. She's creative funny and really smart.

We had a weekend staycation in an hotel. Freeny, Suzy and I. While in the hotel, Suzy went running in the hotel's hallways and got lost.

We looked for her everywhere in the hotel but she wasn't anywhere to be found.

Freeny and I where so worried. Where could she have gone? Was she stuck somewhere in the hotel and can't free herself?

Was she stuck somewhere crying and calling out to us to come save her? Or did someone take her from the hotel.

I was already crying and so worried about our little babygirl. Freeny was being more matured.

She asked to see the CCTV footage of the hotel. When we went through it, we saw her been taken out of the hotel by a man in a hoodie.

My worries doubled. I broke down and fell to the ground. What has this little girl done to anyone.

She's just an innocent little girl. Why is she been targeted to be hurt? I went down on my knees and started praying to God to protect Suzy.

Freeny just kept on replaying the CCTV footage as if she saw something familiar about the person.

"I know this person but I can't really figure out how and from where I know the person" Freeny said.

She kept on staring into the screen for a while and then she said "it's David"

"David?" I asked.

"What is David doing here in Chidlom and what does he want with Suzy?

Why can't he just leave me alone? Does he really not want me to be happy ever in this world?" I screamed angrily.

I took out my phone and rushed out of the control room to the lobby to call my father.

I want him to tell his son to stay the hell away from me and everything that concerns me.

I brought out my phone and I dialed my father's number and while the phone rang, I saw David walking back into the hotel lobby with Suzy.

I was so angry that I ran over to him and slapped him.

He has done so many bad things to me but I still give him that little respect of being my elder brother.

But now he's trying to use a child to hurt me? He's worse than the devil himself.

"No Aunt Becky, don't hurt him. He just took me out of the ice cream" Suzy said.

She didn't look scared that David, a total stranger to her, took her out. She was actually okay with him.

I drew Suzy to myself and said "Suzy, don't you know it's not right to go out with strangers?

You don't know him. What if he hurts you? Do you know how worried Freeny and I were when we couldn't find you anywhere in the hotel?"

"I'm sorry aunt Becky, I'm sorry aunt Freen. I didn't mean to make you worried.

But he Is not stranger. He Is your brother aunt Becky. He is David. I recognise him from the pictures you have on your phone and he also told me that he is your brother.

Actually he has been following us for a while now. I see him almost everywhere we go.

Today, I saw him in the hotel and so i went to him to ask him why he has been following US.

He told me that he misses you and that he wants to tell you that he is really sorry but he's scared.

He said you hated him so much and would never forgive him. And so I told him that I'll talk to you and beg you to forgive him only if he takes me out for ice cream. And so he took me out.

He also bought one for you also. He told me that it's your favourite.

Aunty, are you still mad at me?" Suzy asked hoping I'd forgive her. Of course I'm a Softy for Suzy but I'll not let David get away with what he did.

He isn't sorry. He's just looking for a way to get back into my life so as to ruin my happiness more.

I looked for every means to arrest David for attempted kidnap but since he was my brother, it was not seen as a kidnap.

I was defeated by David again but I'm ready to protect my happiness from him and my mother.

When we got back home, Suzy kept on nagging me about talking to David.

"Please talk to him. Please aunt Becky. He's your brother right? Please just talk to him and hear what he has to say.

They've been here for about a month now and they are here because of you.

Aunt Becky, they love you and they said they're sorry." Suzy kept on nagging but I won't budge.

Soon it got to the stage of crying. She cried and told Mrs Anong that I was hurting her feeling and wouldn't grant this one wish if hers.

She is really manipulative. Mrs Anong told me to just listen to whatever my family had to say.

Actually, Freeny and I never told Mrs Anong about what David nearly did to Freeny back in Bangkok.

If she knew about it, I'm definitely sure that David would be in prison now and not bugging Freeny and I again.

Suzy also cried to Freeny about my refusal to talk to my family and even Freeny soon joined the train.

"Just hear them out. Even if their intentions are bad, you'll never know if you keep them at arm's length.

Remember, keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer." Freeny advised.

Freeny doesn't really like my family. It was really clear but they are the family of her lover and so she was bearing all the discomfort that comes with being my lover.

She knows how much I love them. I mean, we shared a bed and she hears my cries and longing for my family at night.

Freeny was right. She was right about me talking to my family. If they're all here in Chidlom, then their plan must be really big also.

So I needed to be close to them while keeping Freeny and Suzy away from them.

To be continued...

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