Being a mule

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"As if that wasn't enough, my mother threaten to reveal the biggest secret of them all.

When I was in highschool, I wanted to go on this trip with my school to the Philippines.

The trip was exciting but the main reason why I wanted to go on the trip was because there was this girl that I was crushing on.

Actually I thought I just liked her and wanted to be her friend but when I grew older and realized that I liked girls, I then discovered that It was actually a crush.

This girl Bella, would be going on this trip and so I wanted to go too.

I wanted to impress her with my Filipino but the trip was really expensive and my parents told me to sit it out.

I begged them and told them that I really wanted to go on this trip and so they reluctantly promised to pay half of the fee but that I had to find a job so that I'll pay for the other half.

I got a job and this job turned out to be something I'd regret for the rest of my life. This all happened when I was  15 years old.

Although I was not yet 18 I could still see the inside of a prison but strings were pulled and I avoided prison.

My mom threatened to tell the public about this incident if I remained in a relationship with you.

I told you that I was going to talk to you after talking to my dad but after all that happened with my mom and David, all I could think of doing was pushing you away.

I was selfish, thinking about myself, my career and how I didn't want to go to prison."

I was scared to tell my secret to Freen. I almost changed the topic but then she said

"What was this big mistake that happened? Becky you know I can tell me right? I'll never judge you because of mistakes that you did a long time ago."

Those words seemed to break down all my defense walls and I let it all out

"I was an accomplice. I was used as a mule to transport illegal drugs. Because I needed money, I got a job working for this guy. A delivery job.

A school friend of mine told me about it and I started working there. I guess after everything and after that friend denied ever knowing me, I came to realize that she wasn't really a friend at all.

All I had to do for the job was deliver a wrapped box to addresses given to me.

I knew that what I was delivering wasn't really something good because the people taking the packages from me looked like bad people.

They looked like drug addicts because when invited into their houses, it rigged of alcohol and cigarettes but I was getting paid good money and so I continued.

One day, on my way to deliver a package, I was caught by the police. I was to be charged as a drug trafficker but I got out with the excuse of being ignorant and not knowing what I was delivering. And  also because I was just a child.

My parents and neighbours all testified to keep my from serving time in prison but my family actually knew that I wasn't ignorant of what I was doing.

They knew that I had a partially clear picture of what I was doing. The case was closed based on all the evidence pointing to the fact that I was ignorant.

But the case could be reopened and I'll be sent to prison, if my mom or my brother testifies saying that I wasn't actually ignorant and that I knew what I was doing.

My family threatened to expose everything if I stayed with you and that was why I broke up with you.

I was happy just having you by my side but everything fell apart when you posted our breakup online and left me.

If only I had told you everything, you would have understood and stayed by my side. But I didn't communicate with you and that is why all this happened.

I explained

"No Becky it's not all your fault. Freeny cuts in.

"I should have known. I should have seen the signs. I can't believe you went through all that and I was hating you thinking that you broke my heart for no good reason.

I should be the one apologizing for not thinking it through and believing that the Love we shared is strong enough to Bond us together.

You should hate me Becky. I left you to suffer alone. And about your secret, it's safe with me.

Although I can't believe you mom and brother would go to the length of hurting you and sending you to prison just to make you stay away from me."

I've heard Becky side of the story and I realized that my baby has suffered alot because of me.

I am suppose to protect her and make her happy but she went through alot of hard times for my sake.

And to make matters worse, I wasn't even with her through it. I was busy hating her.

I felt really sad for the pain Becky had to endure. I didn't even realize when I started crying, seeing her cry.

We couldn't control ourselves as we hugged each other still crying.

We finally saw the bigger picture and understood why things happened the way they did.

And we decided to move on to having a better relationship, built in trust and communication.

To be continued...

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